Cuts in cleaning services

The recent cuts at AU have also had an impact on the Building Services at the Faculty of Arts, with cleaning procedures changing on 1 July.

In connection with the cuts, the Building Services at the faculty lost eight members of staff (some were fired, while others took voluntary retirement). As a result, it has been necessary to make some changes in day-to-day operations. 

The changes will affect office cleaning and waste handling in particular: 

“It’s always hard to make cuts, but we decided to maintain the same level of cleaning in conference rooms, classrooms, kitchens and toilets – the places that are used most frequently,” explains technical manager Lars Mitens. 

Cuts in office cleaning and waste handling

What will the changes mean for you?
In future your office will only be cleaned once a week, with your cleaner dusting accessible surfaces and washing the floor.

They won’t be emptying your dustbins any more. Please dispose of residual waste in the kitchen, and put paper waste for recycling in the paper sack in a waste disposal room or printer room.

The changes mean that we will have to sort our own waste in future: 

“One of the good things is that our waste sorting will be more environmentally friendly, because paper waste and residual waste from our offices won’t be mixed any more,” says Mitens.

The new procedure will benefit both the environment and the financial situation. So the faculty’s Building Services hope that all the staff will do their bit to make the new system work – even though it will require us to think a little bit more about what we’re doing.

List of changes in cleaning procedure at the Faculty of Arts

Office cleaning

  • Until 1 July: Light cleaning every day. Thorough cleaning once a week
  • After 1 July: Thorough cleaning once a week

Emptying rubbish bins in offices

  • Until 1 July: Every day
  • After 1 July: Please sort your own residual and paper waste and dispose of it in the correct place

Cleaning in communal areas

  • Classrooms: No change
  • Conference rooms: No change
  • Toilets: No change
  • Kitchens: No change

All the staff at the Faculty of Arts will experience the same changes – including those organised under the cleaning services provided by the Faculty of Science and Technology (CUDiM and the CEI, and the digital media and experience economy programmes).