Follow-up at the Faculty of Arts

A series of meetings will be held at the Faculty of Arts to follow up on the announcement which is to be made by the senior management team on 22 October.

[Translate to English:] IUP i Emdrup.

Once the senior management team has announced its decisions, which are a result of the problem analysis that has been carried out, a number of follow-up meetings will be held at AU faculties.

The acting dean of the Faculty of Arts, Johnny Laursen, will be visiting a range of forums by arrangement with the three departments and CUDiM. He will be explaining the follow-up process at the Faculty of Arts in relation to the decisions that have been made, as well as answering questions. Administration centre manager Ole Jensen will participate in the meetings.

The following meetings have been arranged so far, and there are more in the pipeline:

  • 23 October 15:00-16:00: Meeting with department forum and heads of section, Department of Education
  • 4 November 12:00-13:00: Staff meeting, CUDiM
  • 5 November 10:15-12:15: Department forum meeting, Department of Aesthetics and Communication
  • 10 November 13:00-14:00: Management meeting, Department of Aesthetics and Communication
  • 11 November 10:15-11:15: Management meeting, Department of Culture and Society
  • 25 November 10:00-12:00: Department forum meeting, Department of Education

The organisation of the administration

Based on the senior management team’s decisions, the management team at the Faculty of Arts will be presenting a proposal for an inclusive process regarding the organisation of the administration to the Faculty Liaison Committee and the Academic Council, Arts on 27-28 October.

In this connection, two staff meetings have been planned with administration centre manager Ole Jensen and campus manager Per Lindblad:

  • 30 October 09:00-10:00: Meeting with staff at the Administration Centre Arts in Aarhus, lecture theatre 1, building 1441, Tåsingegade 3.
  • 31 October 13:30-14:30: Meeting with staff at the Administration Centre Arts in Emdrup in room D170.