Aarhus BSS’ strategic priorities for 2023/2024
Based on Aarhus BSS's new strategy 2022-2026, the faculty management team held its annual strategy seminar in autumn 2022, discussing, among others, the school’s and the departments' strategic objectives for the coming years. Based on the discussions, the management team decided on the following activities to be given priority in 2023 and 2024:
- Revise and strengthen the education portfolio where necessary focusing on one hand on progression rates and adequate study life balance, while at the same time ensuring high employability of graduates.
- Increase success rates of external research grant applications e.g. by facilitating and strengthening department-wide (and school) feedback procedures
- Increase collaboration with the business community on programmes and research e.g. by exploring external funding opportunities of educational infrastructure
- Identify and engage in activities that may strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration within and across the departments and faculties at AU through e.g. the Aarhus BSS Strategic Interdisciplinary Forum (SIF).