News from PURE

AU Pure Support joins Cherwell

AU Pure Support now works from AU's new case management system Cherwell. You can still write us at

On May 18th, AU Pure transitioned to AU's new case management system Cherwell. This means that you may submit your Pure questions through Cherwell the same way you normally submit requests to AU IT. This way, your Pure support cases reside together with your other support cases, and you can follow and see the case details.

You can still write us at When you send an email to this address, your case is automatically created in Cherwell and lands in AU Pure’s inbox i the system. We monitor incoming cases and make an effort to reply within 1 or 2 business days.

We look forward to having a tool that is better suited for managing the communication with our users. You can, of course, expect the same polite service from us although we reply from a new system.

If you experience problems or have questions regarding Cherwell, please contact AU IT. You can also find some answers in the Cherwell FAQ and general guideline.