At, you can access a number of administrative systems e.g. the employee registration system Medarbejderstamkortet.
PURE is AU’s research registration system. Research publications, research activities and research projects are registered in PURE. PURE is also used for the individual websites for AU staff.
Find more it-systems in the index for Staff Service.
Last week, the Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education Morten Østergaard and Chairman of the AU Board Michael Christiansen signed Aarhus University’s new development contract.
The university is thereby committing itself to having its research, talent development, knowledge exchange and education activities measured according to 12 different parameters.
In particular, there is considerable focus on the study programmes, which are key for six of the parameters. Here, themes such as student satisfaction, employment rates and completion times will be looked at. In addition, the development contract also includes specific requirements in such areas as continuing and further education, research publications, PhD employment and increased collaboration with society at large.
The development contract takes effect retrospectively from 1 January 2012 and runs until 31 December 2014.
On Thursday 21 June, representatives of the largest European industrial organisations signed a new declaration which proposes greater focus on developing new and innovative technologies and closer collaboration between research and industry.
The declaration is the result of a three-day conference on industrial technology – Industrial Technologies 2012 – which was organised in collaboration between Aarhus University, Aalborg University and Spinverse.
The conference assembled up to 800 representatives of Europe’s research and industrial environments from all 27 EU countries and, among other things, presented the latest technological developments within nanotechnology, advanced materials and new production methods.
The declaration has now been passed on to the European Commission and will contribute to the development of the Horizon 2020 programme.
Strong partnerships between the public authorities, industry and universities are necessary to make Denmark a greener country, according to the Danish Minister for Climate Energy and Building Martin Lidegaard, who spoke at the major UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro. Here, Brian Bech Nielsen, Dean of Science and Technology, held a presentation on Aarhus University’s contribution to creating a more sustainable energy economy.
The presentation was part of the official Danish State of Green stand, which Aarhus University had set up together with Novozymes, Grundfos, Maersk, Danfoss and the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI). Earlier in the week, the Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt visited the stand.
Aarhus University has submitted a contribution to Denmark’s forthcoming innovation strategy. The Danish government has initiated the preparation of Denmark’s first national innovation strategy, and with its contribution, Aarhus University proposes that the universities play a central role – not least in implementing the strategy.
University researchers possess clear strengths in relation to taking the lead at creating more advanced knowledge-based innovation in Denmark – both as researchers and as partners in innovation projects with society at large, including businesses and the public authorities.
For Aarhus University, national focus on innovation is a key priority. It involves the creation and implementation of new knowledge, but also in focusing much more on talent development in the study programmes.
AU researcher and entrepreneur Ole Green won second place with his Webstech business in this year’s Væxtfaktor final. The think-tank Mandag Morgen and DR produced the business talent TV show Væxtfaktor, with the final being broadcast last Wednesday evening.
With most text message votes, Ole Green was the viewers’ favourite, but the final outcome of the jury’s assessment of the three finalists resulted in a second place.
Ole Green has developed a special sensor which is capable of measuring humidity and temperatures in corn, silage and seeds and is thereby able to prevent food producers from losing millions of kroner because of decomposition. Based on this technology, he has established Webstech, and as part of this process has collaborated closely with AU’s TTO, Agrobusiness Park in Foulum and Østjysk Innovation. At the university, Ole Green is attached to the Department of Engineering.
On Wednesday, Forskningsfondens Ejendomsselskab A/S (FEAS) celebrated its 25th anniversary. FEAS has built, for example, the Nobel Park, parts of the Science Park at Gustav Wieds Vej and the IT Park in Katrinebjerg, and manages a property portfolio with a leasehold area of more than 110,000 square metres. Through a clear strategy of acquiring property and new buildings, over the years FEAS has helped to ensure that Aarhus University has been able to develop as a city university. FEAS also rents out student accommodation to international students and guest accommodation to international employees at Aarhus University.
Forskningsfondens Ejendomsselskab A/S was established in 1987 with the purpose of “acquiring, building, renting and managing property ... largely for research use or related activities.”
Kind regards,
The Senior Management Team
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