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PURE is AU’s research registration system. Research publications, research activities and research projects are registered in PURE. PURE is also used for the individual websites for AU staff.
Find more it-systems in the index for Staff Service.
On Wednesday 28 January, the senior management team will decide a number of decisions related to a variety of general issues addressed in the internal problem analysis:
After the meeting, the senior management team will first inform managers and employees in the affected units, and a general announcement in English will be posted on as well as on the problem analysis theme site by 30 January.
If there are any proposals on the agenda that are not adopted on 28 January, decisions regarding these will be announced when they have been considered.
The academic environments must be made more visible to potential applicants to Aarhus University's Bachelor's degree programmes. This was one of the conclusions of the senior management team's recent discussion of future initiatives to recruit new students.
This is what Pro-Rector Berit Eika states in an article, where she also invites a broad debate on how AU can best recruit the most talented students and make sure that potential students from all over the country have the necessary information they need to choose the right study programme.
After six years as head of SKT (the School for Dental Assistants, Hygienists and Clinical Technicians) Hanne Mohr is now leaving her position.
She will, however, continue working at the school within further and continuing education, and she will take up her new position on 1 February.
Caroline Hørsted, head of sector at SKT, has been appointed acting head of school as of 1 February.
Over the next three years, Martin Brynskov, associate professor of information studies, will be heading a new EU project on tomorrow's digital cities with a total budget of DKK 54 million.
The EU project, called 'OrganiCity', will be a close collaboration between Aarhus, London and Santander, all of which are leaders in intelligent urban development research.
In addition to Aarhus University, Aarhus will also be represented by the City of Aarhus and the Alexandra Institute.
Keisuke Yonehara,a research group leader at DANDRITE, a centre under the Department of Biomedicine, has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant of EUR 1.5 million.
The grant will allow Keisuke Yonehara to continue the development of his research into neural circuits in the visual system and to hire new postdocs and PhD students.
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