Organisation of business collaboration

To support efforts to increase business collaboration, the university established five business committees: one university-wide and one at each faculty. The five new business committees were created in order to improve the coordination of business partnership-related cross-faculty activities and the internal dialogue between a faculty,  its departments (Aarhus BSS, HE and ST)/schools (Arts) and university management level.

Central Business Committee

You can read more on the central business committee here

Coordination Group

A coordination group provides the Business Committee with administrative support. The group is headed by Kirsten Jensen, head of the Office of Business Collaboration, and includes representatives from the faculties, AU Student Administration and Services and AU Research Support and External Relations. Administrative report for the coordination group is provided by a staff member from the Office of Business Coordination.

Faculty level

The faculties have organised their business committees in different ways to reflect local needs and opportunities. Each department (Aarhus BSS, HE and ST)/school (Arts) has also appointed a business engagement partner (Arts, Aarhus BSS and Health) or a business committee with a chair (ST) whose role is facilitate contact to the faculty’s researchers and students and maintain the department’s/school’s business partnership website.


Kirsten Jensen

Head of Business Collaboration

Coordination group

Kristian Mørch Abell

Advisor Dean's Office, Natural Sciences - Secretariat

Casper Hansen Borchmann

Advisor Dean's Office, Technical Sciences - Secretariat

Lisbeth Guldbæk Smith

Head of Technology Transfer Office AU Research Support - Technology Transfer Office

Andreas Kambskard

Advisor Health Administrative Centre - The Faculty Secretariat, Faculty of Health

Katrine Solvang Larsen

Senior consultant Dekanatet, Arts - Dean's Staff

Azra Zukanovic

Advisor Aarhus BSS Administrative Centre - Dean's Office