Forskningsstøtteenheden holder løbende workshops om ansøgningsskrivningens kunst og informationsmøder om EU eller andre bevillingsgivere. Vi arbejder hele tiden på nye kurser og arrangementer, og du er velkommen til at kontakte os med ideer.
Vil du vide mere om det Europæiske Forskningsråd (the European Research Council, ERC), de bevillinger, som ERC tilbyder, og hvad der skal til for at skrive en ERC-ansøgning?
Deltag i informationsmødet afholdt af AU’s Forskningsstøtteenhed: 5.februar 2025 fra 14:30 -16:00. Richard Mortensen stuen, Bygning 1422, Frederik Nielsens Vej 2, 8000 Aarhus C.
Formålet med arrangementet er at sætte fokus på de muligheder ERC tilbyder fremragende forskere.
Målgruppe: Forskere fra Aarhus Universitet og sygehuse i Region Midtjylland samt rådgivere og ledelse, der ønsker at lære mere om ERC.
14:30-15:15 Introduktion til ERC – bevillingstyper, ansøgningskrav, m.m. v. FSE
15:15-15:30 Kaffepause
15:30-16:00 Individuel Q&A session.
ERC's mission er at støtte forskerdrevet, banebrydende forskningsprojekter af højeste videnskabelige kvalitet.
Tilmelde dig her.
Tilmeldingsfrist 29.1.2025. Der er plads til 60 deltagere.
In January 2025, the Innovation Fund Denmark opened the next calls for the Grand Solutions Program 2025. The AU Research Support Office and the AU Entreprise & Innovation invites all potential applicants to an information meeting on the Grand Solutions Program and how to apply.
Read more here.
Due to demand for an on-line event AU Research Support Office has decided to arrange an extra and on-line information meeting on:
February 7, 2025, from 10:30 -11:30
Join us if you would like to know more about the European Research Council (ERC), the grants that ERC offers and what it takes to write an ERC proposal.
The purpose of the event is to focus on the opportunities ERC offers to excellent researchers.
The ERC’s mission is to support investigator-driven frontier research through ground-breaking projects of the highest quality.
At the event, the Research Support Office (RSO) will present aspects of the different types of ERC grants, what it takes to write an ERC proposal and what kind of support you can get in the process.
10:30 – 11:30 Introduction to ERC grants and the key concepts by the RSO and Q&A
Researchers from Aarhus University and hospitals in Central Denmark Region as well as advisors and management who want to learn more about the ERC.
Sign up here.