At, you can access a number of administrative systems e.g. the employee registration system Medarbejderstamkortet.
PURE is AU’s research registration system. Research publications, research activities and research projects are registered in PURE. PURE is also used for the individual websites for AU staff.
Find more it-systems in the index for Staff Service.
All information on the emergency response plan for employees, students and guests at Aarhus University is available on this website and applies to Aarhus BSS as well.
All buildings at Aarhus BSS use a voice alarm system, meaning that warnings will be given over the speakers. Around campus, you will find red signs with information about the voice alarm system next to buttons to activate the fire alarm.
All buildings have fire alarm call points, meaning buttons you can press to activate the fire alarm. All such call points are equipped with instructions as to whether the button will alarm the fire service directly or whether the unit is to contact the fire service separately.
The evacuation concept at AU is based on two roles: evacuation leader and meeting point leader.
These roles are not assigned in advance, so it is important that everyone can step up and assume the role as either evacuation leader or meeting point leader during an evacuation. Sound knowledge of the evacuation concept is thus important to everyone on campus.
In the AU information on evacuation, you will find:
A key element of the evacuation concept at AU is the evacuation folder, which will come into use during evacuations.
The evacuation folder contains:
During an evacuation, you must go to a meeting point where you will receive further instructions.
The individual departments and administrative units are responsible for buying and maintaining first-aid kits. AU does not have a cross-organisational procurement contract for this type of item.
You can find the location of all defibrillators at Aarhus University at, including a photo and a description of the spot.
The majority of all defibrillators at Aarhus BSS are placed outside the buildings and are thus available 24 hours a day – making them easy to access for the public as well.
AU recommends that employees install the TrygFonden app for citizen responders, which can show you the way to the nearest defibrillator.
Building Services will organise first-aid courses for employees at Aarhus BSS when needed. Contact Building Services if you wish to learn more about the opportunity for first-aid courses.