At, you can access a number of administrative systems e.g. the employee registration system Medarbejderstamkortet.
PURE is AU’s research registration system. Research publications, research activities and research projects are registered in PURE. PURE is also used for the individual websites for AU staff.
Find more it-systems in the index for Staff Service.
The Safety Points contain:
The first-aid equipment in the Safety Points are maintained by Sikkerhedspartner A/S on an annual basis.
Costs relating to bandages and first-aid equipment are borne by the individual departments (Aarhus BSS, ST, HE)/schools (Arts) and faculties at AU. An overall purchasing agreement for such items does not exist for AU.
Aarhus University has purchased and installed 65 defibrillators. Each year, about 3,500 people in Denmark suffer heart failure outside hospital. Today, just under 200 survive. With life-saving first aid and fast defibrillation, it is estimated that 300-400 Danes could survive a heart attack. At Aarhus University, the defibrillators are placed in busy areas, and you need know where they are. Therefore, it is important that all the defibrillators are correctly registered.
We ask all units that have a defibrillator to check the details and then register the defibrillator at This information is shared with emergency control centres nationwide, so that first-aiders can be directed to the nearest defibrillator if there is one close by. is run by TrygFonden. The site shows you how to use a defibrillator, and describes various cases where defibrillators have saved lives.
A defibrillator is a portable, battery-powered machine. By administering an electric shock, the defibrillator can get a heart which has stopped pumping blood around the body to start pumping normally again. It is not possible to use a defibrillator incorrectly, and it is easy to use.
Many of AU’s defibrillators are manufactured by Laerdal and purchased from Dansk Brandteknik, which regularly services the machines. AU’s contact at Dansk Brandteknik is Kurt Bach Jensen (, tel. 2090 9322).
Find out where the defibrillators are located at You can also use the website to register a defibrillator if it is not included on the map.
You should use the emergency telephone number 112 in cases where:
In emergencies which do not require an ambulance, SikkerhedsPartner A/S (70 113 113) can organise patient transport to the doctor/A&E department.
SikkerhedsPartner A/S can also organise patient transport from an aeroplane or hospital. The local manager must be informed and have accepted this. If in doubt, contact Anders Kragh Moestrup on tel. 8715 3341.
Aarhus University has entered into an agreement with Dansk Krisekorps on psychological counselling in connection with work-related crises. The psychological counselling services are for all AU employees.
Contact Dansk Krisekorps at:
If preferred, you can also write to and they will call you back as soon as possible between 9:00 and 15:00 on weekdays.
Psychological counselling is available in Danish and English. The counselling costs will be paid by the relevant department etc.
If you have questions about the counselling scheme, you are welcome to contact AU HR, Development and Work Environment, or your HR partner, who will process your enquiry in confidence.
The university chaplains at Aarhus University are available to students at AU and as additional assistance in connection with emergencies at AU.
Skadeservice Danmark comes out and protects, cleans and renovates furniture, effects and property after soot damage, fire, flooding, explosion, vandalism etc.
If you need assistance with any of the above, start by contacting your local buildings inspector. In urgent cases, you can contact SikkerhedsPartner A/S on tel. 70 113 113.