


  • Log on – Single Sign on

    • Log on – Single Sign on

      You must be logged on to AU network or AnyConnect and we recommend that you use Google Chrome Internet browser and this internet address.

      You do not need to use your username and password when using Single sign on, for this you only need two factor authentication.

      First time you log on to RejsUd and IndFak via Single Sign On (SSO), you need to make yourself known.

    • 1. Type the address: in your browser

    • 2. Type in your username in the format

    • 3. Next time you choose the internet address you will be logged in automatically

      Precondition for SSO

    • use the internetaddress:

    • your username in RejsUd and IndFak in the format

    • you must be logged on to AU network or AnyConnect


  • Change of language in RejsUd

    •  If you need to change the language to English/Danish in RejsUd, you must write to and ask them to change the language on your profile. 

  • Registration numbers on cars - saved automatically

    • Registration numbers on cars - saved automatically

      Go to profile in the top right corner. Choose ”Edit My Profile”

      Select the middle tab at the top left (Travel and Expenses) – and enter a vehicle and registration number.

      Remember to press save.


  • Notifications

    • Notifications

      Notification emails You have the option to change the reception of your notification emails (and those for which you are secretary), by selecting and deselecting tasks and status reports.

      We recommend that you do not change your default settings if you are not in RejsUd weekly.

      Change of notification emails

      Select RejsUd via the green Fly symbol on the far left.

      On the "Notifications" tab, mark the tasks for which notifications/status emails are desired.

      Instant notifications
      You will receive an email every time one of these tasks is carried out in RejsUd.

      Regular status report
      Here you can change the frequency of your notification emails. Note that AU has a requirement that status emails be sent every Friday.


  • Secretary - The traveler is not on my list

    • Secretary - The traveler is not on my list

      If you, as the Secretary, is missing a traveler on your list, please contact Financial Control by email:  

      Remember to mention for whom you are a Secretary.

  • Credit card transactions - how do I find them?

    • Credit card transactions - how do I find them?

      You can view all your credit card transactions in the transaction archive, which you gain access to by clicking on the last green button in RejsUd.

  • Case and Case task – where do I find the numbers?

    • Case and Case task – where do I find the numbers?

      Departments / Centres
      For information about Case and Case task numbers (Sag og Sagsopgave), please contact Finance in your Administrative Centre.

      Units in the Central Administration
      You can find information about Case and Case number (project and activity number) on the page “Konteringsvejledninger” (Posting guides).

  • Change password – RejsUd and IndFak

    • Change password – RejsUd and IndFak

      Click on the white "person icon" in the upper right corner

      Choose "Edit my profile":

      At the top of the page, you can now change your password:

      Please note, a strong password must contain: 

    • at least eight characters

    • both upper-case and lower-case letters

    • at least one number

    • at least one symbol such as: !”#¤%&/()=

      Hereafter you can log in with your new password.