It is regarded as an official trip if you must carry out a job somewhere other than your permanent place of employment. On official trips that last less than 28 days, expenses that are in relation to your trip and are carried out as a necessary part of your work will be covered by AU.
AU's travel rules must always be observed on official trips. This means that expenses not covered by AU’s travel policy will not be reimbursed. This applies even if an external funder approves the expense.
Note: you must clarify which expenses can be approved by the department management or equivalent before you depart for your trip.
You can find information regarding the rules of official trips in the menu on the right.
You can find information regarding oficcial trips here.
Requirements for settlement
Read more about the 4 important requirements for your settlement here.
Paid meals must be deducted from hourly and daily allowances
For official trips longer than 24 hours where you receive hourly and daily allowances, meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) paid for by others or that are included in the hotel bill must be deducted from your hourly and daily allowances. This must be done when you settle your expenses in RejsUd after the trip.
Read more about hourly and daily allowances in the menu on the right in the box: Amount available for meals, local transporation, etc.
Lost documentation
If it is not possible to provide a receipt, the purchase, the amount and the date can be specified in a statement of truth, via email or in a comment in the settlement. If the purchase exceeds 2.500 DKK, you must attach a written approval of the expense from your department management.
We encourage you to take pictures of your receipts during your trip.
The statement of truth can be found on the page for forms.
Booking flights
When you are travelling under the auspices of AU, it is a good idea to consider which means of transport is most appropriate in terms of climate, cost and scheduling. For example, is air travel actually necessary? Could you use an alternative and more climate-friendly means of transport, such as a train, bus or carpooling with colleagues - or some combination of the three? If air travel is the best option, you are encouraged to buy your tickets from Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT).
Find the link to the CWT portal etc. on the page about CWT.
Booking a hotel
When booking a hotel, be aware that there is a maximum amount that you may spend per night in some countries. You can find applicable rates in the current version of the circular on rate adjustments for official trips (page 15). Please contact the Travel Expense Accounts if you have any questions.
In countries where a hotel allowance has not been fixed, reasonable expenses for a hotel room with a bath or other suitable accommodation is reimbursed. "Suitable" accommodation means a room of hotel-like standard with a toilet and bathroom in the immediate vicinity, usually with the option of meals in the form of breakfast. Remember that it is possible to book hotels through CWT.
Read more on the page about acommodation.
Please note that AU’s insurance will not cover you during your days of holiday. Therefore, contact your own insurance company or Europæiske (AU’s insurance company) to buy coverage for those extra days.
Read more about general insurance rules on HR's page about insurance.
Find more information about travel insurance in the menu on the right.
The first thing you must do is to report the lost/missing luggage to the airline you travelled with, and make sure you receive a receipt for the missing luggage. The receipt is also known as a PIR (Property Irregularity Report) and you will need the receipt when filing an insurance claim with Europæiske rejseforsikring (AU's insurance company).
Delayed luggage: If your checked-in luggage is delayed more than three hours after the estimated arrival time at a destination outside your country of residence, the insurance policy permits you to buy max. DKK 3,000 worth of necessary clothes and toiletries.
Lost luggage: It is possible to get up to DKK 25,000 in compensation (2023). This amount can be increased up to DKK 40,000 if the travel period exceeds three months.
Read the conditions for the travel insurance policy for Danish Government employees here.
As a general rule, any driving in Denmark should be done by car pooling, using AU's official cars or in your own car (against mileage allowance).
If this is not possible, a car can be rented via AU's procurement agreement.
Renting a car abroad may be necessary if you cannot get to the destination by public transport, or if there is significant difficulty attached to using public transport.
Remember that the cost of the car rental must be approved by the head of department or equivalent before the start of the trip and the approval must be attached in the settlement in RejsUd.
Read more in AU's travel policy: