Official trips - more than 28 days

An official trip that last more than 28 days is also called a posting. A posting is usually financed by your department/graduate school or by an external funder.

See below for information about finances associated with postings.

Note: AU's general travel rules must always be followed during postings of longer or shorter duration. This means that expenses not covered by AU’s travel policy will not be reimbursed. This applies even if an external funder approves the expense.

Download the pamphlet on postings.

If you are looking for practical information about postings, please visit the going abroad page.

Settlement and documentation

Settle on an ongoing basis
We recommend that you settle on an ongoing basis via RejsUd in connection with a posting. The benefits of ongoing settlement:

  1. Easier expense settlements that require less documentation each time
  2. Less risk of salary deductions in relation to credit card transactions that exceed the local deadline for settlement (contact your secretariat for information about the deadline).
  3. Less risk of lost receipts/documentation


Requirements for settlement
Read more about the 4 important requirements for your settlement here.

Lost documentation
If it is not possible to provide a receipt, the purchase, the amount and the date can be specified in a statement of truth, via email or in a comment in the settlement. If the purchase exceeds 2.500 DKK, you must attach a written approval of the expense from your department management.

We encourage you to take pictures of your receipts during your trip.

The statement of truth can be found on the page for forms.

Booking flights and hotels

Booking flights
When you are travelling under the auspices of AU, it is a good idea to consider which means of transport is most appropriate in terms of climate, cost and scheduling. For example, is air travel actually necessary? Could you use an alternative and more climate-friendly means of transport, such as a train, bus or carpooling with colleagues - or some combination of the three? If air travel is the best option, you are encouraged to buy your tickets from Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT).

Find the link to the CWT portal etc. on the page about CWT.

Booking a hotel
When booking a hotel, be aware that there is a maximum amount that you may spend per night in some countries. You can find applicable rates in the current version of the circular on rate adjustments for official trips (page 15). Please contact the Travel Expense Accounts if you have any questions.

In countries where a hotel allowance has not been fixed, reasonable expenses for a hotel room with a bath or other suitable accommodation is reimbursed. "Suitable" accommodation means a room of hotel-like standard with a toilet and bathroom in the immediate vicinity, usually with the option of meals in the form of breakfast. Remember that it is possible to book hotels through CWT.

Decrease in the amount available for a hotel beginning on the 29th day of the trip
The amount available for hotel bookings abroad and in Greenland is reduced by one-fourth as of the 29th day, cf. Section 35(2) in the circular of official travel.

Read more on the page about booking hotels.

Buying and renting a means of transportation

Purchasing a means of transportation

Purchasing a means of transportation is not permitted, and must be defrayed as a private expense.


Car rental

Transportation at the destination (for example, transport between your hotel and your temporary place of work) is often referred to as ‘local transportation’. Local transportation expenses are usually covered by per diem allowances and are therefore regarded as private expenses as a rule. Note that transportation to and from train stations or airports is considered part of your travel expenses. This is not considered local transportation.


If the cost of local transportation is significantly higher than the per diem allowance, in exceptional cases, and after a preliminary approval from the manager authorised to approve such expenditure, additional costs (which cannot be covered by the per diem allowance) - for example, car rental - may be reimbursed upon presentation of documentation.


If the expense for the car rental is covered by AU and private driving is carried out in the car, you will be liable for tax on the value of the car.


Preliminary approval

The cost of the car rental must be approved by the department management or equivalent before you depart for your posting. The approval must also be attached to the settlement in RejsUd.

Storage/sale of home contents

Storage/relocation of home contents
Moving the current content of your home (household effects) is tax-free. However, moving accompanying family members’ home contents is taxable.

Storage of your home contents (household effects) in Denmark is taxable. 

Remember to get a written approval for both the relocation and storage of the content of your home from the department management or equivalent before you go abroad.

Profit from the sale of home contents
If the content of your home was acquired in connection with the posting and the purchase was financed by AU or by a grant, then it is the property of AU. The surplus from any sale must be paid to AU. Click here for information on how to make a payment to AU.

If an invoice for the sale has not been prepared, please send an email to: Write the name of the sender and the amount in the subject field. Include the accounting details (type, project and activity number) and the desired text on the deposit in the email.

Travel insurance

  • AU employees are covered by Europæiske. It is therefore not possible to cover other insurances as AU are are self-insured.
  • People affiliated with but not employed by Aarhus University (AU) whose journey is fully or partially paid by AU can apply for travel insurance. The application for travel insurance is sent to the relevant department/unit and e-mail confirmation is considered valid proof of travel insurance coverage.

Please note that AU’s insurance will not cover you during your days of holiday. Therefore, contact your own insurance company or Europæiske (AU’s insurance company) to buy coverage for those extra days.

Read more about general insurance rules on HR's page about insurance.


Find more information about travel insurance in the menu on the right.