Nat and Tech guidelines and descriptions

Joint filing principles at Nat and Tech

Quick guide for researchers

Using WorkZone

How to file an e-mail from Outlook (updated March 2020)

How to file an outgoing mail (updated 29 January 2020)

How to use the pathfinder (updated 29 January 2020)

How to import a document (updated March 2020)

How to file from Word (updated March 2020)

How to add a party to a case (updated March 2020)

Create company contact (updated 28 August 2020)

How to search for a subject case (updated March 2020)

How to install VM Horizon (WorkZone for Mac-users) (updated March 9, 2020)

Research applications

Process description - research applications (updated on August 28, 2020)

Guide for item 2,3 og 5 in Process for research applications (updated on August 28, 2020)

Guide for item 6 in research applications  (updated on January 29, 2020)

Guide for item 8b in research applications  (updated on  February 24, 2020)