As a Mac user you need Workzone 365 to be able to use Workzone from Office programs. Please note that not all functions are compatible with Mac’s operating system, e.g. integration with the Office programs only works partly. As an alternative you can work in Workzone from a Horizon Client.
We recommend using Safari on Mac as it provides a better user experience with Workzone 365:
If you are working on a Mac and experience issues with accessing or repeatedly logging into Workzone, you can find help in:
Issues with Logging into Workzone on Mac
Other guides on how to use Workzone 365:
Attach Workzone documents in an email
Create new case with Workzone365
You can access the Workzone web client in Google Chrome via this link
You need to use VPN on Mac in order for Workzone 365 to work.
Be advised that when using the MAC OS, you will not have the same functionality as when using a pc. For instance, there is no integration to the MS Office Suite, meaning that you cannot file to Workzone using Outlook or Word.
If you need to be able to file from the MS Office suite on your Mac, please submit a request to HR Data and Digitalisation via, who via a Horizon Client will give you access to a remote desk top on a Virtual Windows 10 pc. This access is only to be used to file in Workzone.
You are to install the Horizon Client yourself before being able to use it.
Horizon Client installation guide to Mac
There are three types of access codes in Workzone
1. Organisational access code
2. Security access code
3. Personal access code
Organisational access code, eg. 1615 Research Support Office, is an access code that gives permission to see and edit cases and documents to a particular organisational unit.
The benefit is that the access code is automatically updated when the unit is updated, meaning that the members of the unit will have access as long as they are members of the relevant unit.
The downside is that AU is changing and if unit 1615 is changed to unit 1617 Workzone will read it as two different access codes and the users will no longer have access to cases and documents protected by the 1615 codes. Adding the 1617 code to all cases with the 1615 code is a manual and potentially large task.
The Organisational access code is hierarchal and follows the formal organizational structure. This means that because 1615 is a unit under unit 1771 in the formal structure users in the 1615 organisational access code will also have access to cases with the 1771 access code.
You can find the organizational hierarchy here
Security access code, e.g. WZ_FSE, is an access code that HR Data and Digitisation creates and maintains.
The benefit is that the access code can be created to match work streams and processes across the organization – also across units.
The downside is that creating and maintaining the access code is a manual process. Each member of the access code must be manually registered and deregistered as needed by contacting HR Data and Digitalisation ,
Personal access code, e.g. Mette Jensen AU999999, can be used to limit access to the specific case to the person in question.
The benefit is that it can be used ad hoc and in situations where extra caution is needed for a short period of time.
The downside is that the overview of who has access to what is easily lost. It is important to be able to manage access to cases and if the personal access code is used too much overview is easily lost.
Also, it is deprecated to use the personal access code as employees often change positions within AU and when doing so they might keep access to cases from their old unit if they are not changed manually.