As part of their employment, a vast majority of state employees are covered by a pension scheme as stipulated by law or collective agreement.
On this page you can find information about pension and other mandatory contributions etc. which the university pays/deducts in connection with the disbursement of pay. If you have more detailed questions about pension, you should contact your own pension provider. At you can read more about different pension schemes and about the rules on early retirement pension.
AU HR has prepared information about optional pension for certain employees. Read guidelines on optional pension contribution.
International academic staff members have three different options of pension scheme.
AU HR has prepared guidelines on the payment of pension contributions during periods of unpaid maternity/paternity leave.
The group life insurance scheme for certain employees ensures the disbursement of a sum insured in the event of death and in connection with critical illness, if certain conditions are met.
If an employee is covered by the group life insurance scheme, the employee is eligible for cover for a period of up to three years free of premium if the employee’s retirement is due to two-thirds incapacity for work due to illness or accident.
AU HR has prepared information on the group life insurance scheme for public servants etc. and certain employees covered by a collective agreement. See also the State Employer’s Authority’s Circular on Group Life Schemes - (Danish edition). (Cirkulære om gruppelivsordning).
All employed earners as well as the self-employed are required to pay 8% of their income in labour market contributions. The university deducts the labour market contributions each time the university disburses pay.
Labour market contributions are payable on, for example, pay and other fees, holiday pay, severance pay, the value of company car and free telephone and pension savings contributions.
ATP Livslang Pension (ATP Lifelong Pension) is a lifelong supplementary pension which, as a general rule, is required by law. As a point of departure, the university is thus required to pay labour market supplementary pension contributions for all employees employed by the university in Denmark – irrespective of whether the employee is a Danish citizen or a foreign national.
The university automatically deducts the labour market supplementary pension contributions each time the university disburses pay. The university pays two-thirds of the contribution. One-third of the contribution constitutes the employee’s own contribution. In a number of cases, the legislation also opens up for voluntary contributions.
ATP Livslang Pension will be disbursed for the remainder of the life of the person in question – i.e. from the time when such person becomes a pensioner and until he or she dies. Pensions below a certain amount are, however, disbursed as a lump sum.
The size of the pension depends on the size of the contributions paid over the years for the person in question.