Collaboration with Aarhus Job Centre

Aarhus Job Centre and Aarhus University have entered into a partnership to ease the transition to the job market for university graduates.

Specifically, the collaboration means that business consultants from the job centre offer guidance to students at all faculties as individual career guidance, participation in career courses for students and via online training in career management skills.

Online Training in Career Management Skills

Since early 2018, approx. 400 Master’s students per year have followed online training in career-management skills (CMS). The courses are financed by Aarhus Job Centre and are offered by two companies: Stecher Inst. and Ballisager. The various fields of study have been offered places in a collaboration between career centres, the Student Counsellors' Office and the job centre.

Job Centre Collaboration in The Kitchen

In addition to this, The Kitchen has entered into a partnership with Aarhus Job Centre. The aim of the collaboration is to help entrepreneurial AU graduates to get off to a good start in their own company, even after they have completed their studies.


Jette Hammer

Senior consultant Enterprise and Innovation - Partnerships