The AU programme for promotion from associate professor to professor now open for applications at The Faculty of Arts

The programme for promotion from associate professor/senior researcher to professor is now open for applications at the Faculty of Arts.

The AU senior management team has decided that exceptionally talented associate professors/senior researchers who are currently employed at AU can apply to be enrolled in a promotion programme leading to a professorship (cf. AU’s programme for promotion from associate professor/senior researcher to professor).

The promotion programme involves a targeted development plan and the potential transition from associate professor/senior researcher to professor without advertising the position.

The faculty management team is keen to receive submissions from applicants who present a development plan that shows how their particular talents not only make them great ambassadors of their disciplines but also make them uniquely capable of contributing to the strategic development of their disciplines and their department and school at large.

“The promotion programme provides a unique opportunity for the targeted development of our most talented associate professors and our schools alike. We are at Arts fortunate enough to have an abundance of very talented associate professors whose development and eventual promotion will allow them to contribute in new ways to their research and teaching communities, department, and school. I am therefore extremely pleased that we at Arts have this opportunity honour and promote some of our talents by letting them contribute to the strategic develop the faculty and its schools.”, says dean Maja Horst.


Associate professors/senior researchers who are already employed at the faculty can apply for admission to the promotion programme after at least three years of permanent employment in these positions. Please note that professors MSO are not eligible for admission to the promotion programme.

The Faculty of Arts will this year be able to admit 6-8 applicants into the programme. The promotion programme will be an integral part of each school’s professor plans and advertisements, but open international advertisements will still be the typical career path leading to the appointment of professors.

The process

The Heads of schools and the Dean of the faculty will be assisted by an advisory committee – consisting of a mix of professors from other universities as well as professors from the Faculty of Arts – in selecting the applicants admitted into the programme.

The advisory committee will not conduct an academic assessment of the respective applicants; this will be done within the final six months of the promotion programme by an assessment committee which is set up in accordance with the current rules for academic assessment committees. (The programme will typically last between 3-5 years for the admitted applicants).