Cf. the Examination Order, the students have the right to know the assessment deadline of their exams. The assessment deadline is stated in the exam schedule on the study portal. The students are entitled to know their exam result no later than four weeks after the examination date. In practice, the deadline may be shorter, for example due to reexaminations. Regardless of whether the assessment period is four weeks or shorter, the students are entitled to receive their exam assessment no later than on the announced assessment deadline.
The deadline for assessing a Master’s thesis takes the degree completion deadline of 30 June (22 months after enrolment) into account. This means that the assessment period for Master's theses is approximately four weeks.
Only under exceptional circumstances is the university allowed to deviate from the specified assessment deadline. If the assessment cannot be completed by the specified deadline, the university must inform the affected students, providing details of the reason and information about when the assessment will be announced.
You must contact the Studies Administration as soon as possible, and they will inform the students of the new assessment deadline.
Please note that you need a pre-approval of the postponement from your head of department.
If the examiner and the co-examiner disagree about a grade, each examiner must give a separate grade. The final grade will then be the average of these grades rounded off to the nearest grade on the grading scale. If the average is half-way between two grades on the grading scale, the final grade will be the nearest higher grade if the co-examiner has given the highest grade, or otherwise the nearest lower grade. Both the examiner and co-examiner must register the final grade in WISEflow.
In case of a disagreement as to whether the assessment of a student’s performance should be ‘Pass’ or ‘Not pass’, the co-examiner’s assessment will be decisive, cf. section 26 of the Grading Scale Order.
No. If you suspect plagiarism/exam cheating in an exam assignment that you are assessing, please follow these guidelines.
You must refuse to accept the assignment via email and refer the student to the Study Centre. They will assist the student.
No. Anything submitted outside WISEflow after the deadline, for example via email, cannot be accepted for assessment. .
You should register the student as ‘absent’ (udeblevet) from the exam. You can refer the student to the Study Centre if they have questions on applying for an exam dispensation, re-registering for the exam, etc.