Offensive or inappropriate behaviour

Help and support in connection with offensive and inappropriate behaviour

It is a key priority to Aarhus University to ensure a healthy and safe work and study environment. This means that everyone at the university should treat each other with decency and respect. Aarhus University as an educational institution and employer does not tolerate harassment, bullying, violence or discrimination in any form and everyone at the university is responsible for ensuring that offensive behaviour does not occur.

We all have a duty to:

  • object and say no to offensive behaviour – both if you experience offensive behaviour against yourself, and if you witness it
  • help a student or an employee who experiences offensive behaviour.

If you experience offensive or inappropriate behaviour, we strongly encourage you to seek help and support. The parties involved are entitled to support and guidance throughout the entire process. Below you can see a list of contacts you can get help from.

Your manager is responsible for helping you and dealing with the situation with you. You can speak with your manager in confidence. However, note that confidentiality can limit your manager's ability to take matters further. Your manager is obligated to take action in particularly serious cases.

Contacts, you can get help from:

If you need advice from a third party, please contact the Danish Working Environment Authority's bullying and harassment hotline. If you need professional psychological help, contact the Psychological Counselling Service.

If you experience serious incidents of bullying or harrasment, and don't feel that you can contact any of the above, you can also report it to the whistleblower scheme at AU - read more here.​

Examples of inappropriate and abusive behaviour:

  • Violence
  • Threats of violence
  • All forms of harassment, for example sexual harassment
  • Bullying
  • Discrimination of any kind

See more examples and definitions on the student portal and/or on the staff portal.

The Student Council's Legal Aid

The Student Council's Legal Aid (Studenterrådets Retshjælp) offers free counselling. They are independent of the university and can among other things act as legal counsel and accompany you to meetings etc. if you need it.
They have a duty of confidentiality, which means that your information will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed.

Their website is only in Danish, but they welcome internationals as well.