All employees at AU who work more than 15 hours a week and who have been employed for more than six months are covered by the annual staff development dialogues (SDD).
Managers and employees are mutually obliged to hold the dialogue cf. the Competence Agreement (Circular on the Agreement on Competence Development of 8 June 2011 (Cirkulære om aftale om kompetenceudvikling af 8. juni 2011)). The competence agreement also states that strategic development goals must be formulated and followed up on.
For employees in salary grade 37 as well as employees in salary grades 36 and 35 who are assigned formal personnel responsibilities, the dialogue is voluntary, as these persons are not covered by the Competence Agreement. HSU recommends, however, that these dialogues are conducted, as it will support both the personal and organisational well-being and competence development (see the result of the psychological WPA).
It is recommended that some staff groups are, for practical and resource-related reasons, exempted from SDD. However, managers may, for special, local reasons, choose to involve employees from these groups in the annual SDD. The groups exempted include employees with less than 15 hours of work a week and less than six months of employment, student assistants, newly appointed members of staff as well as employees who will be stepping down within the foreseeable future. There are other types of status dialogues which are more relevant for these staff groups. For newly appointed employees in particular, it is recommended that they have a three-month interview before an SDD dialogue becomes relevant. For employees who are resigning, it is more relevant for them to have a resignation dialogue.
For salaried PhDs on part B, where AU is their main workplace, SDD dialogues are carried out on an equal footing with other employees.