Process Facilitation Course

The course is aimed at employees undertaking collaborative and development tasks within administration, teaching, or research that require an understanding of processes. The training will provide both a theoretical basis and concrete tools to facilitate collaborative work-shops, meetings, teaching- and development processes, in an organizational work environment characterized by complexity. 

Create better results

The Process Consultant Course provides you with the methods to become a skilled process leader and enhances your ability to confidently navigate the role of facilitator. During the training, you will receive a large toolbox consisting of participatory, practice-oriented process tools that strengthen engagement and organisational outcomes in development and collaboration processes.

Target Group

The course is aimed at both scientific and administrative staff, working with developmental and/or collaborative tasks including teaching, tutoring, or research activities. The target group will typically be coordinators, development- and specialist consultants, research managers, or employees with teaching responsibilities as well as employees with department-, team- or project leadership responsibilities.


Solving development tasks in a modern organisation such as Aarhus University, with a work-life demanding a high degree of coordination in a context characterised by high complexity, different and conflicting interests, places special demands on the employees' process skills and competences as a facilitator. The course qualifies you to be able to create development through the facilitation of sensemaking and engaging processes within the given managerial and strategic framework.     

The Aim/Yield of the Education

The goal of the course is to train highly qualified process consultants who can draw on an extensive toolbox with the latest methods and techniques within process facilitation. There will be particular focus on:

  • How to implement and facilitate change processes in practice.
  • Link between systemic theory and the practice of facilitation (including use of process tools).
  • Involvement, exploration, and co-creation, as a path to create change in relations, collaboration, and situations without management responsibility.
  • Clarification processes, uncovering intentions, goals, and needs.
  • Systematic design of method-supported work-shops and processes (process design).
  • Role awareness and training in practical facilitation. 
  • Dialogical approach to organisational cross-pressure and conflicts.
  • Questioning and conversational techniques, - including using a coaching approach to working with teams and individuals.

Content and Structure

Module 1: Systemic theory, process understanding and conversation management (game-mastery).

Module 2: Linguistic awareness as a path to change, including appreciative approach and questioning techniques.

Module 3: Clarification processes and sensemaking in strategic processes.

Module 4: Organisational change management and process design.

Module 5: Facilitation in practice and the use of a coaching approach in teams.       

The course is concluded with an in-class practical process assignment, after which a course certificate is issued.

The course is concluded with an in-class practical process assignment, after which a course certificate is issued.

Learning Groups

As part of the course, you will be invited to participate in a learning group with other course-participants, aiming at supporting the implementation of process skills in your own working context. The learning group creates space for training and co-reflection on the use of methods and approaches concerning your own challenges and tasks.

In module 5 the learning groups design and run a process for the team, where the acquired approaches and process skills are demonstrated.


The training has a scope 5 modules of two days duration.


Bjarne Stark – MA HRD, Post grad. Cert. in Systemic Leadership