How to register illness and when you are well again


Only relevant for the areas that use self-service when registering holidays and absences. If you are in doubt as to whether you are covered by self-service, contact your immediate manager or secretary.

As an employee, you can register your illness yourself in mitHR.

When you register your illness, the registration is sent to your line manager for approval. When your line manager has approved the registration, you will receive a notification to this effect.

Below you will find instructions on how to register illness in mitHR, as well as where you can see the status of the registered absence and how to register that you are well again.

The guidance is based on registering a sick day, but the process is the same for other absences via self-service.

It is possible to register illness and other absences from your own PC or mobile. It requires two-step verification/Authenticator on your own PC or mobile. See in detail possibly the instructions: Access to mitHR.


1. Sygdom registreres via Tid og fravær

Step 1 image

2. Gå via Tilføj fravær

Step 2 image

3. Vælg fraværstype

Step 3 image

4. Vælg fraværstypen Sygdom

Step 4 image

5. Vælg startdato for sygefraværet via kalenderfunktionen eller ved angivelse af dd-mm-åå

Step 5 image

6. Her vælges dato 13. januar 2023

Step 6 image

7. Hvis slutdatoen for sygefraværet er ukendt vælges Uden afslutning

Step 7 image

8. Vælg Afsend

Step 8 image


Step 9 image

10. Vælg Eksisterende fravær

Step 10 image

11. Registreringen er nu under godkendelse

Step 11 image


Step 12 image

13. Gå via blyanten

Step 13 image

14. Markeringen fjernes ved Uden afslutning

Step 14 image

15. Vælg slutdato for fraværet (inkl. sidste sygedag)

Step 15 image

16. Anvend kalenderfunkion eller angiv slutdato dd-mm-åå

Step 16 image

17. Her er sidste sygedag d. 16. januar

Step 17 image

18. Klik på Afsend

Step 18 image

19. Slutdatoen er nu registreret og afventer godkendelse

Step 19 image

20. Slutdatoen er nu registreret og afventer godkendelse

Step 20 image

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