Process Guide - 7 Steps when using person profile analyses in recruitment

When you have a job opening, it’s a good idea to decide how and when to use a personal profile analysis tool early on in the recruitment process.

It's important to contact your HR partner for advice and information on how person profile analyses are used and supported in your unit/department.

Here are seven steps to support a successful process:

Step 1: Initial considerations and clarification

Person profile analyses should be linked to the professional and personal qualifications required for a given position, which, along with the job profile, form the foundation for recruiting the right employee.

Before the recruitment begins, the appointment committee is recommended to discuss the type of person profile needed for the specific position. At this point, the hiring manager and the appointment committee should also decide on any particular themes the consultant who performs the personal profile analysis ought to focus on.

Typically, a person profile analysis will take place between the first and second interview.

The "Job and Person Profile Template" (VIP, TAP) on AU's website with recruitment tools can be used to prioritise and select important keywords, which can also be included in the specific job advertisement. The tool can also serve as inspiration for search committees and search efforts.

Step 2: Support and guidance

An important element is to clarify whether to draw on internal or external resources and which specific profile tool should be used. Your HR partner can advise on selecting the right provider for the specific type of position, including guidance on obtaining offers from relevant suppliers. Be sure to allocate time for this process in your recruitment planning.


Get advice and assistance from your HR partner to ensure GDPR rules are followed, and that ethics and data security are in order, whether internal or external consultants are used for the task. 

Communication with the Candidate 

It's important to communicate clearly with candidates early in the recruitment process, for example by stating in the job advertisement, if a person profile analysis will be used. Candidates should also be informed about what data is collected, how it's used, where and for how long it's stored, and who has access to the results.

Step 3: Align expectations with the consultant

Once the candidate has completed the person profile analysis, they should be offered a personal feedback session with the certified consultant (internal or external).

The hiring manager should provide the consultant with a thorough understanding of any specific themes that should be addressed and explored in the feedback session. Examples include any particular personal qualifications that are important for the position and/or specific issues that emerged in the first interview. These themes are passed on to the consultant who conducts the feedback session.

Step 4: Feedback from consultant to candidate

A person profile analysis should always be followed by a feedback session where the candidate has the opportunity to comment, elaborate, and discuss the profile. Ideally, the conversation should take place face-to-face, or alternatively online with the camera on.

Be aware that the results of the profile analysis should be presented to the candidate during the feedback session, not in advance.
Typically, the feedback session will only involve the consultant and the candidate. In planning the overall recruitment process, it's important to allocate sufficient time for both completing and providing feedback on the person profile analysis.

Step 5: Consultant reports back to the appointment committee

Once the consultant has provided feedback to the candidate(s) who have completed the person profile analysis, a verbal presentation is prepared and presented in confidence to the appointment committee. The presentation can be supported by a written report. 


In this context, it's important to ensure that the reporting is done ethically, with respect for the candidate. It's also essential that the reporting is neutral from the consultant's perspective. It's the responsibility of the appointment committee, not the consultant, to determine who is the right candidate for the position.

Reporting back

A report may include: 

  1. An overall description of the person profile and the underlying principles of the tool 
  2. A more detailed review of the candidates' profiles, including 
    ▪ Special behavioral patterns, strengths, and potentials
    ▪ Motivations and challenges 
    ▪ Issues of particular concern
  3. Ideas for relevant questions to the candidate based on the feedback session.

Step 6: Follow-Up interview between candidate and appointment committee

The reporting from the consultant provides important input for the appointment committee's questions to the candidates during a follow-up, typically the second interview.

A person profile analysis can never be the sole basis for selection. The insights from the person profile analysis are a valuable addition to the assessment of the candidate's qualifications and competencies for the specific position and context.

Step 7: Use Knowledge gained from the person profile analysis after the recruitment process

It's a good idea to use the knowledge gained from the person profile analysis when planning the onboarding process for the new employee. As a leader, you gain insight into strengths, challenges, behavioral patterns, and specific areas of attention that can be actively used to help your new employee get off to a good start.

Understanding other people’s profiles can also give you, as a manager, insight into the need for different styles of management styles; Different profiles call for different forms of management. Be curious about how this insight can broaden your range and scope as a manager.