What is the purpose of the NEO PI-3 test?
The purpose of the NEO PI-3 test is to support the learning outcome from the Leadership Programme for Research Managers, which is intended to strengthen the leaders’ self-insight and practical competences in the leadership role. The programme contributes to an understanding of the interplay between the individual’s personal qualities and the institutional conditions of the special framework that characterises the leadership role at AU as well as the scope for action.
The NEO PI-3 test as well as the feedback will be confidential. You will be invited to a feedback session with a consultant who has the required certification to provide you with personal feedback.
Where will the test be stored?
The test will be stored by Hogrefe Psykologisk Forlag A/S in an IT system hosted in a professional data centre in Göttingen, Germany.
When will the test be deleted?
No later than one month after the programme has ended, all digital versions of the test will be deleted, and any printed versions and handwritten notes will be shredded.
The NEO PI-3 test will be part of your leadership development programme, if you give your consent to this. You are not required to participate in the test. If you do not participate in the test, the result may be that you will learn less from the course.
You will be asked to give your consent, when you register for the programme.
Withdrawal of consent
The consent which you have given may be withdrawn. This means that you can inform us at any time that you do not wish to participate in the test or the feedback session. We will then, as quickly as possible, and no later than one month after your notification to us, destroy all digital and paper-based versions of the test.