NTByg has guest housing in AU Viborg (Foulum) and AU Flakkebjerg.
In Foulum there are 8 two-bedroom apartments, 18 one-bedroom apartments and 4 houses with 4 single rooms (16 single rooms in total). In the houses, all occupants share a kitchen, shower/toilet and living room. The apartments and houses are located on campus AU Viborg.
In Flakkebjerg there are 5 single rooms. Rooms 1-3 have their own shower/toilet and hallway. Rooms 4-5 share a toilet/bath and hallway. All rooms share a kitchen/living room and laundry room. The rooms are located on campus AU Flakkebjerg.
Housing is primarily reserved for PhD-students, postdocs and guest researchers who are employed at AU Viborg or AU Flakkebjerg. All guest accommodation is fully furnished, including duvet and pillow with sheet, kitchen service, etc.
If you are interested in renting a guest unit, please contact NT Byg administration.
E-mail: ntbyg.housing@au.dk
When making an enquiry please make sure to note:
You will be provided information about facilities, tenancy agreements, rent etc.