At, you can access a number of administrative systems e.g. the employee registration system Medarbejderstamkortet.
PURE is AU’s research registration system. Research publications, research activities and research projects are registered in PURE. PURE is also used for the individual websites for AU staff.
Find more it-systems in the index for Staff Service.
Ashtrays (outdoor)
Ashtrays that are not mounted on the walls of the buildings are emptied by the gardeners.
Other ashtrays are emptied by the estates facilities.
Benches and fittings
The Parks and Gardens Section are responsible for purchasing benches, garbage bag stands and other equipment. Garbage bag stands will be checked daily and emptied as required. It is the intention that all equipment is kept well maintained and clean and thus invites people to use it.
Bicycle parking is permitted in all the designated areas. Bicycles parked outside these areas will inconvenience other activities, such as lawn mowing, snow clearing, sweeping and passing in general. Once or twice a year, the bicycle parking areas will be inspected to dispose of any abandoned bicycles.
Bicycles may only be locked to bicycle racks. Any bicycles locked to other fittings or equipment will be removed.
Buildings are reviewed regularly to check for graffiti. If you notice graffiti on campus that is not removed within a week, please send an email to with a precise description of where the graffiti has been spotted.
Grass and vegetation
The Parks and Gardens Section maintain the University Park and green areas. This work entails care and maintenance of lawns, planting, flower beds as well as hedges and fences. Garbage is removed from these areas on a regular basis.
Anyone who commits vandalism against park equipment, trees, bushes etc. will be subject to a claim for damages.
Posters and flyers
Only on agreement with the Parks and Gardens Section. Flyers on bicycles are prohibited.
See entry for Winter Months.
The pathways are constructed with various covers, such as asphalt and tiles. Pathways are cleaned and maintained using brooms and weed burners as needed.
All lakes on the AU campus areas are maintained by the Parks and Gardens Section. You are not allowed to be on the lakes without permission from the Parks and Gardens Section.
Bootleg trails
We encourage you to use the constructed paths and roads to avoid bootleg trails.