Coaching on conducting GDD/TDD

Would you like to start using Group/Team development dialogues as a development tool in your department?

As a manager at AU, you can get a coaching session with a consultant from AU HR, Development and Work Environment, on conducting GDDs

What is GDD/TDD?

The group development dialogue is particularly useful when you want to:

  • Strengthen relations and improve communication in a group
  • Create a common understanding of the group's goals, requirements and areas of responsibility
  • Create an overview of the group's total resources
  • Create learning and knowledge sharing in the group/team
  • Increase the group's influence on and responsibility for the development and collaboration of the group
  • Increase well-being and collaboration in the group/team  

Get coaching

The offer is intended for managers at AU who wish to use GDD/TDD as a development tool. Together with the consultant, you can get coaching and help to plan your first GDD/TDD.

If you are a management group, it is also possible to get a consultant to come on site to facilitate your teaching and training as a joint group.

Do you want to book a coaching session?

Contact Henrik Philipp Kroer from AU HR, Development and Work Environment.