Termination of employment

If you are dismissed


If you have been dismissed from your position, the ordinary rules for determining your holiday entitlement will generally apply. If your holiday has been planned, you will therefore take your holiday at the planned time before termination of your employment. The same applies for special holidays.

If your term of notice is three months or less, you do not have to take planned main holiday, unless you yourself want to take the main holiday.  

If you have brought forward holiday from last year that you have not planned to take before the end of your employment, the holiday days will be paid out when you leave, unless you yourself want to take the days of holiday before the termination of your employment.

Please note that the last 2.08 holiday days that you earn cannot be taken until the first day of the month after you have left. Therefore, you will not be able to take all your holiday entitlement from Aarhus University before you leave.

If you have resigned yourself

If you have resigned from your position, the general rules on the determination of the holiday apply. This means that you can continue to take your holiday as planned until you resign. Please note that the last 2.08 holiday days that you earn cannot be taken until the first day of the month after you have left. Therefore, you will not be able to take all your holiday entitlement from Aarhus University before you leave. 

When you leave, the university will calculate holiday allowance for the ordinary holiday that you have not yet taken. Your holiday allowance will be paid to your holiday account with Feriefonden, and you can withdraw your holiday money via www.lifeindenmark.dk, when you take your holiday.

If you have special holidays due when you leave, these will be disbursed directly to you when you resign.

If your fixed-term employment expires

If your fixed-term employment expires, the general rules on determining your holiday will apply. This means that you can continue to take your holiday as planned until you resign. Please note that the last 2.08 holiday days that you earn cannot be taken until the first day of the month after you have left. Therefore, you will not be able to take all your holiday entitlement from Aarhus University before you leave. 

When you leave, the university will calculate holiday allowance for the ordinary holiday that you have not taken during your employment. Your holiday allowance will be paid to your holiday account with Feriefonden, and you can withdraw your holiday money via www.lifeindenmark.dk, when you take your holiday.

If you have special holidays due when you leave, these will be disbursed directly to you when you resign.

If you leave the labour market

If you leave the labour market to take your old age pension, the university will pay an allowance for ordinary holiday, special holidays and transferred holiday directly to you. Payment is conditional upon you submitting documentation that you are leaving the labour market. The documentation could be a payment notification from your pension fund/municipality or a confirmation from you.

If you leave the labour market because of illness, the university will transfer your holiday allowance for ordinary holiday to your holiday account at Feriefonden and you can withdraw your holiday money via www.lifeindenmark.dk. The allowance for special holidays will be paid directly to you.

If you leave the labour market to take early retirement after a period of illness, the university will transfer the holiday allowance for ordinary holiday to your holiday account at Feriefonden and you can withdraw your money via www.lifeindenmark.dk. The allowance for special holidays and transferred holiday will be paid directly to you.


In the event of your death, the university will pay the allowance for ordinary holiday, special holidays and transferred holiday to your estate.

If you move abroad

If you resign from your position to move abroad, the university will pay the amount due for your ordinary holiday and special holidays directly to you. Payment requires documentation that you have deregistered from the CPR register.