Terms of pay and employment for part-time lecturers are regulated in the Circular on the Agreement on Part-time Lecturers at Universities etc. (cirkulære om aftale om eksterne lektorer og undervisningsassistenter ved universiteter m.fl.)
Terms of pay and employment are regulated by the cirkulære om aftale om eksterne lektorer og undervisningsassistenter ved universiteter m.fl.
Further information on required qualifications and job description can be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities (Bekendtgørelse om stillingsstruktur for videnskabeligt personale ved universiteter).
The rules on advertising and assessment in connection with the employment of teaching assistants are set out in the Appointment Order (Bekendtgørelse om ansættelse af videnskabeligt personale ved universiteter).
The Danish Consolidation Act on Fixed-Term Employment (Lov om tidsbegrænset ansættelse) applies.
Student teachers comprise students who are employed as teaching assistants, instructors, assistant teachers, student assistants, student counsellors, demonstrators and specimen producers.
Terms of pay and employment are regulated by the Circular on the Collective Agreement for Student Teachers at Universities etc. (cirkulære om overenskomst for Studenterundervisere ved universiteter mv.)
The State Employer's Authority's Circular on Remuneration of Co-examiners (Cirkulære om censorvederlag) regulates terms of pay etc. for external examiners.