Events on Moesgaard

If you intend to hold a meeting or conference, you now have the opportunity to use the premises at Moesgaard Museum

​​The premises can be used for AU-related events and booked by all employees at Aarhus University. Below you can read more about rules for booking, relevant contact persons, internet and catering etc.

Booking of rooms

Conference Rooms 4240-301 and 4240-302

The rooms can be booked by arrangement with the Courses and Exam Administration (UVAEKA) at Arts or the secretariat at the Department of Anthropology. Send an email to:

Courses and Exam Administration (UVAEKA) at Arts or
Department Secretary at the Department of Anthropology

The email should include information about:

  • Desired premises
  • Date and start and end time
  • Name and telephone number of the contact person/organizer
  • Number of participants
  • Catering request (yes/no)

You can expect a response to your inquiry within 2 days with a confirmation of the booking—or a rejection if the room/rooms are already reserved.

Moesgaard Auditorium 4240-020

The auditorium at Moesgaard is primarily used for teaching. To the extent that the auditorium is available, it can be booked for other activities.

Bookings and inquiries for the auditorium should be sent via email to the Courses and Exam (UVAEKA) Administration at Arts.

The email should include information about:

  • Date and start and end time
  • Name and phone number of the contact person/organizer
  • Number of participants
  • Catering request (yes/no)

Please remember that any setting up and cleanup of the auditorium must occur within the reserved time frame. Be aware that the room may be taken over by others immediately after the booking period ends.

Larger events

If you are planning a larger event, there is a possibility to borrow rooms at Moesgaard, It is of course a prerequisite that there is free room capacity at the museum. For further information on this, please contact:

Alexandra Niebuhr Clausen, Events & Meetings

Mobil: 40 47 77 94


Aarhus University also has a number of teaching rooms and smaller canteen facilities in the former museum building Aarhus Universitet, which is located a few minutes' walk from Moesgaard Museum. For inquiries about any available capacity contact the Course and Exam Administration at Arts by mail

Practical informations


Catering can be ordered from Moesgaard's own café in connection with events at the museum, also during periods of special exhibitions, but not during the summer holiday period. Contact: Alendra Niebuhr Clausen, Events & meetings, mobil 4047 7794, or mail,for futher informations on this.

Organizers are also welcome to use the university's own cateens for catering and delivery. Remember to have clear agreements on the collection of used canteen service as soon as possible after the event

You are welcome to use the coffee machine set up in the kitchenette on the 3rd floor - just remember to bring coffee and filtes for this (specialsize). In the kitcenette there is also service you can use for free, but remember to clean up after you. 

Please note that various extra dishes, kitchen equipment or the like. must be brought by the organizer of the event


The premises must be left cleaned and in the same condition as you received them and furniture must be returned to its original position. If additional cleaning is required after use of the premises, this will be invoiced

Outside opening hours

The premices can be borrowed at weekdays in the openinghours of the museum. Read more:åbningstider/  

If there is a need to borrow the premises outside opening hours and at weekends, etc., it is nessesary, that an employee unlocks and closes, this will be invoiced. Four further information about this or questions please contact: Alexandra Niebuhr Clause, Events & Meetings, mobile 4047 7794, mail:

IT assistance

For IT assistance please contact: or call 8715 0911 (mondays to friday at 08-00 - 15.00). More informations on the premises please contact the operating personnel at Moesgaard. You have the opportunity to uset he WIFI (AURA) .

There is no free admission to the museum or other services

Other use of AU's premises will not give free admission for the Museum or other services from the operation staff. See the museums homwpage for prices etc. For any special agreements, price Alexandra Niebuhr Clausen, Events & Meetaging, mobile 4047 7794, mail:

Regarding Mondays

On Mondays Moesgaard is closed for the public  When using AU's premises (within normal working hours)  there is an access by the northside off the building  

Larger events, conferences etc.

If you are planning a larger event, you can get in touch wit AU Events and Communication for practical advise and guidance. See contactinformation.

You ar also welcome to contact the operations manager Jacob Østergård - - for a possible inspection and review of the premises and facilities in general.


Pictures of the locations

Aarhus University premises

4240-020 Moesgaard Auditorium (220 persons)


Moesgaard conferenceroom (50 persons - or with the option of dividing with a partition into 2 rooms of 25 people each)


Moesgaard conferencelroom (20 persons)