Take charge of your career

On this page you will find materials and tools that can help you become more career conscious and better able to make decisions that suit you, your life and your ambitions. 

Your career development (video in Danish) Henrik Philipp Kroer from AU HR, Development and Work Environment

As an employee, you are always responsible for your own career and working life. Not all dreams can come true, but as an organisation, Aarhus University is happy to help you make choices on an informed basis.

Your career prospects

Learn about the different services that can help you clarify your wishes and the opportunities and limitations of your career path.

Career clarification for researchers in temporary positions

As a researcher in a temporary position, you are typically at the beginning of your career and it can be difficult to see the opportunities and limitations of your future career path. Both inside and outside academia.

Aarhus University cannot necessarily provide you with the exact career you’re dreaming of, but we would like to help you find the right path by helping you identify the opportunities and limitations of your desired career trajectory. It all starts with a career development dialogue.

Career development dialogue

What has Aarhus University decided?

Beginning in 2023, all researchers in temporary positions will be offered a career development dialogue during their first year of employment as well as prior to any employment contract extensions or offers of permanent employment. The aim of the dialogue is to help you make decisions about your working life based on your motivations, what you are good at, and the opportunities and limitations that exist.

Who is responsible for convening the career development dialogue?

Your manager (or supervisor) will usually be the one to invite you to the dialogue. Each department and unit will decide locally who talks to whom in order to ensure the best possible outcome for each dialogue. If you are in doubt, talk to your manager or supervisor.

The person who convenes the dialogue will let you know what to prepare ahead of the meeting.

What happens after the dialogue?

Following the dialogue, it is of course very important that you take the steps you and your manager agreed on during the meeting. Some of those steps can be taken through courses and additional training provided by Aarhus University or another organisation.

Click the links to read more about some of the options at AU:

Want to find out more?

In addition to the career development dialogue with your manager, you can also get advice and guidance from AU Career PhD & JR.

AU Career PhD & JR

AU Career PhD & JR offers a wide range of career services for researchers in temporary positions. The services are available to researchers from all five faculties. Services include career guidance, career planning tools and a job application toolkit, career counselling and help to explore your career options.

The Kitchen

Are you interested in entrepreneurship? The Kitchen can give you advice, guidance and inspiration on how to use your knowledge and skills to start your own business. 

Read more about The Kitchen and what they can provide here: https://thekitchen.io/

Junior Researcher Association

As a researcher in a temporary position, you can become a member of the Junior Researcher Association. As a member, you will receive newsletters and be invited to participate in association activities, including various courses.

Career clarification for researchers in permanent positions

Content under development ...

Career clarification for technical and administrative staff

Content under development ...