Access to Workzone

I suddenly cannot open Workzone in the browser?

Access to Workzone requires that you are connected to AU’s network and that you use either Edge or Chrome. If you suddenly are no longer able to open Workzone in your browser, you must ensure that you are either connected to AU’s wired network or AU’s WiFi including VPN. You can only access Workzone from a wireless network with VPN.

Test your access here – if you can open and view the case, you are connected correctly.

2020-0053317, Testsag til adgangskontrol/Test file for access control

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Which browsers can I use for Workzone?

Chrome, Edge and Safari are supported.

The File Explorer button will no longer automatically open File Explorer, but will generate a link to the case that you must place in your file explorer yourself. Afterwards, you will be able to work on the case in File Explorer as usual.

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Access codes data classification

What is ‘Indblik’ / Access?

Indblik’ access rights ensure access to Workzone. These access rights define who can see and edit cases, documents and contacts. At AU, the ‘Indblik’ access rights section is used for: Read access.
Read access gives you the right to see and edit a case, a document or a contact.

Documents on a case will normally inherit the access rights for the case in question. This can be changed on the individual document by editing the access rights for the document.

You can work with three types of access in Workzone: organisational access, function/topic access and personal access. Each type of access has its own advantages and disadvantages.  Read more about the different types of access here.

To learn more about which type of access is relevant for your case, please contact your local superuser. You can find your local superuser here.

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Which access rights do I have?

You can see your access rights by clicking on your AU ID in the bottom right-hand corner in Workzone Client. Your access rights will be listed on the ‘My access codes ’ tab.

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How do I add an extra access to a document?

Documents normally inherit the access rights from the case, but if you wish to give more users access to a specific document you have to edit the access rights on the specific document.

This is done in the specific document under Læseadgang/Read access by removing the check mark in “Restricted by case":

Under “Access Code”, you add the case’s access rights and any extra access rights.

Finish by clicking Apply.

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Documents and cases

How to file from OneDrive

If you save your files in OneDrive, you must open your document from OneDrive in your File Explorer, and then file as usual.

If you open your document in the web version of OneDrive, you should select “Åbn i skrivebordsapp” (Open in desktop app), and then file as usual. 

Remember to delete your document on OneDrive, when it has been filed.

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How do I move archived documents?

You cannot move larchived records– you must contact your superuser and ask them to do it.

Find your superuser here: Your superuser

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How do I delete documents and cases?

As a general rule, nothing in Workzone may be deleted until AFTER the end of a filing period.

However, the following exceptions apply:

Documents that have not been archived yet

Anybody can delete documents that have not yet been archived. Once a month, these deleted documents are cleaned up and permanently deleted.

It will not be checked whether these documents should have been deleted or not.

Cleaning up incorrectly locked documents/cases

Superusers can always SOFTDELETE cases and documents that normal users should no longer see. However, a detailed description of the grounds for deletion is always required.

The grounds for deletion of documents and cases will be checked. 

Especially for HR when a candidate steps down. 

When a candidate steps down, the person in question must be anonymised. HR users can order this anonymisation by creating a request at support.au.dk

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What is the maximum file size?

Maximum file size is 180 MB if you are using Workzone for Office. If you need to save a larger file, you can import it via the Workzone web client.

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Which file formats can I file in Workzone?

In order to store records in the Danish National Archives on a long-term basis, only the following file types are permitted and supported in the ESDH system

  • Word (doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx)
  • Excel (xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xla, xlam, xlc, xlf, xlm, xlx, xlt, xltm, xltx, xlw)
  • PowerPoint (ppam, ppd, ppm, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx)
  • RTF
  • PDF
  • TXT
  • TIFF
  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • MP3
  • MP4

Other records must be saved in PDF.

The following file types are not permitted in the system:

  • Encrypted files
  • Password-protected files
  • Zipped files
  • Database files, e.g. Access or MSProject
  • .exe files

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Why can I not save or lock the filed version of my document?

When an Office document (Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents) is opened in Microsoft Office, editing the documents will automatically be restricted (read-only) for other Workzone users, and it is only the user who created the document who can edit it.  

With the update to Workzone 2021.1, it is possible to see who has locked the document.

The column 'Locked by' in the document overview shows who is working on the document.

The column 'Lock expires' in the document overview shows when the document becomes available.

In order to gain access and be able to save or lock a filed version of the document, you can contact the person who has locked the document and ask him/her to close it.

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The Office suite

Why has my Workzone button disappeared?

The Workzone button is dependant on a network connection to the Workzone server via VPN or a secure wired network.

If you get disconnected from VPN or switch between different networks, you might experience that your button disappears or that normal functions fail.

Solution: Restart your PC on a wired network and check that you are correctly connected by restarting Workzone in your browser.

The Workzone button can also disappear for a while during updates of the Office package.  

Solution: Let the computer complete the updates. Restart the computer as required.

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Workzone for Mac

Why do I need to log in repeatedly when accessing Workzone on Mac?

If you are working on a Mac and experience issues with accessing or repeatedly logging into Workzone, you can find help in:

Issues with Logging into Workzone on Mac

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Can I use Workzone on Mac?

Yes, you can access Workzone on Mac. Please find further information here:

Workzone 365

Guide for Workzone on Mac

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Which browsers can I use on a Mac?

We recommend using Safari on Mac as it provides a better user experience with Workzone 365 in your Office applications.

You will be able to access Workzone from other browsers, but you will be asked to save your username and password both in the browser and the first time you access Workzone365 in your Office applications.

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Where can the recipient access digital post (SmartPost) from Aarhus Universitet

Digital post from Aarhus Univeristy can always be found in the recipient's inbox on Borger.dk.

Digial post from Aarhus University will in the future only be accessible in e-Boks if the recipient has accepted to receive mail from the public sector

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Why is Smartpost not working?

If you experience problems with Smartpost, it might be because Digital Post is not working. In that case, you must wait for Digital Post to solve the problems.
See the status of problems in Digital Post here: Digital Post Driftstatus

Check https://serviceinfo.au.dk/ before you report an error at support.au.dk

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