The Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee (LAMU) discusses the occupational health and safety efforts, advises on solutions to specific occupational health and safety issues and follows up on whether the occupational health and safety work is effective and preventive.
LAMU reports to the head of department/head of school/head of centre/deputy director and the Faculty Occupational Health and Safety Committee/Administration Occupational Health and Safety Committee (FAMU/AAMU). In units that are not part of a faculty/administration, LAMU refers directly to HAMU. LAMU coordinates and supports the efforts of the occupational health and safety groups.
The Local Occupational Health and Safety Committees are chaired by the head of department/head of school/head of center/deputy director. However, it is possible to appoint another relevant manager as chair of the committee.
In addition, each committee consists of two occupational health and safety representatives and two management representatives, and possibly a student representative with observer status. The number of committee members may be increased. Regardless of which manager chairs the committee, the chair must be able to act on behalf of the head of department/head of school/head of center/deputy director/ in questions about occupational health and safety.
The occupational health and safety representatives in the committee are elected by and from among the department’s/school’s/unit’s occupational health and safety representatives. The managers are appointed to the Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee from the unit's occupational health and safety groups. Thus, the committee cannot be composed until the occupational health and safety groups have been established: It is recommended that the committee is composed to broadly reflect the department’s/unit’s work areas, locations, and job categories.
The members of the Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee represent all the occupational health and safety groups and their interests.
In general, LAMU must perform the tasks defined in the Danish Working Environment Authority’s order on cooperation on health and safety.
LAMU advises the unit’s management on which occupational health and safety groups to establish.