NOTE! Work related accidents must be reported by filling out the information online by a link in the right upper corner.
When the accident has been reported, the work accident team will go through the report and handle the procedure of sending the information.
Please note that pursuant to the Danish Working Environment Act, the employer (Aarhus University) must report accidents at work within fourteen days from the 1'st of Juli 2022
In practice this will mean that you should report the accident as soon as possible when you become aware of an accident with psychic or physic injury of an employee. If the report surplus the 14 days, it is important to report anyway, since the 14 days is about the employers duty to report, but the employer, AU, cannot report to the Work Environment in Denmark (Arbejdstilsynet) and Labour Market Insurance (Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring) before the information about the accident has been registered via the link on the right side.
A work accident is a physical or mental injury that follows an incident or exposure that occurred suddenly or within five days.
Employees at Aarhus University are covered by the Danish Workers’ Compensation Act (Arbejdsskadeloven). Students must contact their own insurance company in the event of an accident, unless they are injured during the performance of work for the university (see note on ‘Insurance at Aarhus University’ at the right).
Occupational diseases (work-related illnesses) must be reported through your own medical doctor.
If you, as an employee; are involved in an accident at work, you must as quickly as possible contact your health and safety group (Your leader and/or health and safety representative) and the accident must be reported as soon as possible, when it involves an injury of an employee both for psychic or physic injury.
The injured person and a person from the health and safety group must report the accident together (see in the right upper corner).
Please note that pursuant to the Danish Working Environment Act, the employer (Aarhus University) must report accidents at work within 14 days of the accident. In practice this will mean that you should report the accident as soon as possible when you become aware of an accident with psychic or physic injury of an employee. You must also report it although it has been a long time since the accident.
If a student with a sallery from AU (student assistant, instructor, paid PhD student) is injured while performing work for AU, the accident must be reported/registered.
Students without a sallery from AU (e.g. bachelor's, master's or unpaid PhD students) are not covered by AU's workers' compensation insurance. They must therefore take out their own insurance (read more here). However, there are cases where student occupational accidents must be reported/registered, and this only applies if the student is absent beyond the day of the injury. Reportable accidents can, for example, be that the student is injured in connection with that the person:
If the student has no absence beyond the day of the injury, the incident must be handled as a near miss (the person sends the form to AMG (the Local Occupational Health and Safety Group), which processes and subsequently shares with LAMU (the Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee)).
By a occupational diseases (work-related illnesses) is meant a disease, that are caused through a longer period of time at work or by the working conditions.
A presumed or present occupational disease must be reported by medical doctors or dentists
Read more here
Labour Market Insurance (Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring) must be contacted before 48 hours about death at work, which is assumed to be related to a work accident. The same goes for any death which occurs at work.
Report must be phoned in on +45 20 42 63 97 to Labour Market Insurance (Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring) (
Incidents which could have developed into accidents at work, but where no bodily injury was caused, are called near-accidents/near-misses. These near accidents can be registered in a form (see in right margin) to reduce the risk of recurrences.
Read more here
Damage to eyeglasses must be reported to AU HR, Development and Work Environment on a special form, which can be downloaded in the right-hand column.
Complete the form and send it to AU HR, Development and Work Environment.
Read more here
AU HR, Development and Work Environment is responsible for notifying the Danish Working Environment Authority, Labour Market Insurance and the insurance unit at Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen via EASY (The Danish system for electronically reporting work injuries). AU HR also sends a copy of the report to the injured person and an anonymised version to the occupational health and safety group.
Labour Market Insurance sends copies of all outgoing letters to the injured employee to keep him or her informed about the status of the case.
Labour Market Insurance decides whether the reported accident at work can be recognised as such, and decides whether any compensation should be paid. All expences regarding examination of the injury, must in the examine periode, when the Labour Maket Insurence examine the injury, be paid by the unit where the injured is employed. Any compensation is disbursed directly by the insurance unit at Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen and the unit where the injured is employed, will be charged the compensation.
At the latest 3 month after an injury is reported the Danish Working Environment Authority will decide, wether they will acknowledge or reject a reported injury. Within 1 year from the reported accident they will make a decision of compensation. - In regards to occupational diseases the Danish Working Environment Authority will decide, wether they will acknowledge or reject a reported injury within 6 month. If the disease will be handled by the Danish Working Environment Disease Authority it will be decided within 2 years.
Note: AU HR, Development and Work Environment assesses all accidents resulting in less than one day of absence. Injuries which do not result in absence over and above the day of the injury are not reportable, and initially they will therefore only be registered. Under Danish law, the injured person’s right to have an accident reported as a potential work injury lapses one year after the day of the injury. It is therefore important to contact AU HR if the accident gives rise to discomfort or inconvenience, or if expenses are incurred as a result of the accident.
If an employee at Aarhus University experience an industrial injury, AU must report it if it occurred in connection with performing work for an AU unit.
The health and safety group must report the accident via the link:
Be aware that:
In completion of filling in the length of the sick leave period, no distinction is made between weekdays or holidays, but it is determined according to how many consecutive days the injured person will not be able to perform the usual tasks.
If the injury occurred while working for another employer, e.g. Aarhus University Hospital, it is not AU's duty to report it. The duty of notification lies with the employer to whom the work is performed in the event of an injury.
Other forms:
If you have any questions, please contact AU HR, Development & Work Environment by email at
Like other state institutions, Aarhus University is self-insured, and the memo 'Forsikringsforhold på Aarhus Universitet' (Insurance at Aarhus University - in Danish only)’ describes the implications of this, giving examples of how Aarhus University’s self-insurance covers bodily injury and property damage.
If the injury gives rise to expenses for dental treatment, physiotherapy, chiropractor treatment etc., you must submit the bills for these treatments as quickly as possible to AU HR, Development and Work Environment, which will forward them to Aarhus University’s insurance company at Uddannelses og Forskningsstyrelsen. It is important to send the expenses to us and not directly to Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring.
In other words, you must initially pay for the treatment yourself. Labour Market Insurance decides whether you are entitled to full or partial reimbursement of the expenses incurred as a result of your injury, after which your employer will be informed. However, treatment costs are only possible reimbursed if the injury is deemed to be a work injury.
If you have been injured abroad – for example while doing research, fieldwork or attending a conference – your injury can be reported as a work injury.
In the case of accidents or injuries which cannot be regarded as work injuries, any expenses relating to treatment etc. may, however, be covered by AU’s travel insurance (Europæiske Rejseforsikring). You should always remember to take an insurance card with you on official trips. Read more on the AU Finance website
Like other state institutions, Aarhus University is self-insured, and the memo 'Forsikringsforhold på Aarhus Universitet' (Insurance at Aarhus University - in Danish only)’ describes the implications of this, giving examples of how Aarhus University’s self-insurance covers bodily injury and property damage.
If the injury gives rise to expenses for dental treatment, physiotherapy, chiropractor treatment etc., you must submit the bills for these treatments as quickly as possible to AU HR, Development and Work Environment, which will forward them to Aarhus University’s insurance company at Uddannelses og Forskningsstyrelsen. It is important to send the expenses to us and not directly to Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring.
In other words, you must initially pay for the treatment yourself. Labour Market Insurance decides whether you are entitled to full or partial reimbursement of the expenses incurred as a result of your injury, after which your employer will be informed. However, treatment costs are only possible reimbursed if the injury is deemed to be a work injury.
If you have been injured abroad – for example while doing research, fieldwork or attending a conference – your injury can be reported as a work injury if you suffered the injury in the course of your work.
In the case of accidents or injuries which cannot be regarded as work injuries, any expenses relating to treatment etc. may, however, be covered by AU’s travel insurance (Europæiske Rejseforsikring). You should always remember to take an insurance card with you on official trips. Read more on the AU Finance website