Check in on your workplace culture

What is the workplace culture like in your unit? Do a Culture Check to see what your workplace culture is like now and what you’d like it to be. By actively fostering our workplace culture in relation to our core tasks, we can enhance both our results and our well-being.

Culture Check can help you start a dialogue about your current and desired workplace culture. It cannot “stand alone”, but it can be used to initiate a conversation about the type of culture you already have and the type of culture you want to create – a culture that can support and motivate you to be the unit you want to be and to achieve your goals. 

Dialogue tools

Culture Check Dialogue Tool

The Culture Check tool can help you start a dialogue about the current and desired workplace culture in your unit. 
Culture Check is a research-based questionnaire that reveals aspects of a workplace culture based on the factors “stability”, “relationships”, “development” and “results”.

A manager’s process guide to the Culture Check dialogue tool

Do you need to facilitate a dialogue about your unit’s workplace culture using the Culture Check tool? Here is a process guide with inspiration on what to clarify beforehand, how to facilitate the Culture Check Dialogue as well as following up.