Step 2: Agree which aspects you need to focus on

The second step to changing your workplace culture is to decide what you wish to focus on and change.

Answer these central questions:

  • Which specific aspect(s) of our cultural challenges do we want to change?
  • In Step 1, we discussed when and how these challenges show up in our workplace culture – which of these specific aspects do we want to work on changing?
  • What difference do we hope to make?
  • What are our targets and sub-targets?
  • What will it look like in practice once we’ve succeeded in changing these aspects of our culture?
  • What will the benefits be?

Step 1 and 2 are interrelated. They both involve working as a unit to understand and describe what is at stake in your current workplace culture in relation to a specific topic. After this, you’ll need to decide what you’d like to focus on more specifically before you agree on initiatives/activities to try out.


In Step 1, you discussed that you are challenged by poor communication and a harsh tone.

In Step 2, you decide more specifically to focus on your meetings/meeting culture, because it’s in meetings that the harsh communicative style becomes problematic.

In Step 1, you discussed that your international members of staff don't feel included.

In Step 2, you might decide to focus on on-boarding and collegiality in your unit.