AU Research Support

AU Research Support consists of the the Research Data Office, the Research Support Office and TTO (Technology Transfer Office).

Research Data Office

The Research Data Office provides support to AU’s researchers about research data management broadly speaking. To offer comprehensive and consistent advice, the office consolidates the administration's expertise in various areas under one roof. The office comprises the former Data Protection Unit, the Open Science Coordinator, the data management advisory services, as well as URIS and export control advisory services. Additionally, the office facilitates contact from researchers to both DeiC and the external Data Protection Officer (DPO), and also serves as the secretariat for the Research Ethics Committee.

Go to description and contacts.

TTO - Technology Transfer Office

TTO works with all five faculties across AU on the preparation and negotiation of research agreements, as well as agreements related to the processing of personal data in connection with research. Additionally, TTO works on developing the university’s relations with the business sector in connection with contract formation and handling of personal data regulations in relation to research projects, etc.

See a list of employees in TTO.

Research Support Office

The Research Support Office is organised into four teams: Proposal Development, Project Management, Strategy and Internal Support. Work focuses on strategy, fundraising, bibliometry, project administration etc.

See a list of employees