The Research Data Office

The Research Data Office provides support for research data management broadly speaking. The office was established on 15 October; services related to research data have been centralised here. The precise nature and scope of the tasks the unit will perform in the long term is currently being clarified. Below is an overview of tasks that will be handled the Research Data Office for the time being, headed by Søren Broberg Nielsen.

Data protection

The Data Protection Unit assists with questions regarding the register, inquiries from data subjects, personal data breaches, general data protection law questions and contact with the Danish Data Protection Agency, including requests for authorisation fordisclosure requiring authorisation from the Danish Data Protection Agency. As mandated by management, the unit will continue to focus on research.


Legal Consultant, Sofie Maul Andersen

Legal Consultant and acting DPO, Peter Severin de Fønss

URIS incl. export control

The Committee on Guidelines for International Research and Innovation Cooperation (URIS) adopted a set of guidelines in May 2022. The Research Data Office currently provides support for their implementation at AU.

URIS guidelines focus heavily on safety and risk management in relation to research. They also cover rules regarding critical or controlled research (export control and dual use).


Adviser: critical research and export control, John Westensee

Senior consultant: URIS in general, Jakob D. Sørensen

Open Science

The unit's Open Science team works to promote the conditions for Open Science at AU. The team helps raise awareness of Open Science and provides technical support, including the implementation of ERDA/SIF.


Project manager, Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard

Special consultant, Sara Marie Westh

DeiC front office in relation to HPC

Through the DeiC (Danish e-infrastructure Consortium) front office, researchers at AU can access additional supercomputing power from local, national and international HPC resources. Depending on the specific resource, interested researchers must send an application - in some cases, this is only possible when there are calls.


Special consultant Sara Marie Westh

Special features

Authorized Official

A large range number of documents related to US grants can only be signed by AU's ‘Authorized Official’. Examples include collaborative projects funded by US federal funding agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defence (DoD).


Acting Authorized Official, John Westensee

Data protection officer/DPO

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), AU must appoint a data protection officer. It is expected that the role will be performed by an external DPO from January 2024.

In the meantime, Peter Severin de Fønss will serve as acting DPO.


Acting DPO, Peter Severin de Fønss

Employees in the research data office

Name Job title Email Phone Building
Aagaard, Kaare Open Science Coordinator +4520735238 3210, 05.091
Andersen, Sofie Maul Administrator +4530183121 3210, 05.093
Brøcker, Victor Member of Administrative Staff +4520623298 3210, 05.093
de Fønss, Peter Severin Special Consultant +4540502099 3210, 05.093
Hartanto, Brigita Janice Student Worker 3210
Kristensen, Christian Hougaard Legal adviser +4522237952 3210, 05.093
Nielsen, Søren Broberg Head of Research Data Office +4587153198 3210, 05.167
Sørensen, Jakob D. Senior consultant +4529454023 3210, 05.078
Westensee, John Advisor +4551371183 3210, 05.091
Westh, Sara Marie Special Consultant 3210, 05.091