Conference supplies and loan items

How to order conference supplies, merchandise and vouchers

Free conference supplies such as pens and name tags can be ordered on the AU web shop. You can purchase merchandise and vouchers for your conference guests, and take advantage of special discounts.

Read more about your options and how to order below:

How to order conference supplies, merchandise and vouchers

Order your conference supplies

Order your conference supplies from the AU webshop. You can order conference supplies that are free for events with external attendees, or buy conference supplies for other types of events. Go to the “Equipment” tab to see the assortment of supplies.

Please note:

Conference supplies require 14 days for delivery.

All items will be sent by internal post. Don’t forget to provide the correct delivery information when you order free conference supplies: we need a contact person and a delivery address, including a building and office number.

If you need conference supplies for internal events, you can also buy these from the Stakbogladen bookshop web shop.

Remember to follow the same guidelines as when ordering free items – read more below.

In addition to the above information, you must provide the following information at check out in step 3: Further information – order comments:

Name of event

Date of event

Preferred delivery date (expect at least 14 days for delivery)

Expected no. of attendees

Indicate whether the event will have external attendees

Event link, if any

For statistical purposes, please indicate whether your attendees will be primarily Danish or international.

Electronic Christmas cards
Now you can order AU’s electronic Christmas cards. They come in both a Danish and an English version. To order them, contact

Printed Christmas cards
AU’s printed Christmas cards are available in a variety of designs and can be ordered from the AU webshop. Christmas cards are free for AU employees.

Who to contact if you need help ordering conference equipment

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at or tel. 9352 2130.

Please note: Expect at least 14 days for delivery of conference supplies.

Guidelines for free conference supplies

Free conference supplies for events with external attendees

AU staff organising university conferences for Aarhus University can order conference supplies (notepads, pens, lanyards, name tags/name badges) and gift vouchers from the AU webshop. Free conference supplies are ONLY available for academic events with external attendees organised at/by faculties/departments/schools/the administration. This includes academic conferences, seminars, symposia, and delegation visits from Denmark and abroad.

Free conference supplies are NOT available for academic events with student attendees (whether internal or external students). Free conference supplies are therefore not available for teaching events, recruitment events, subject courses or for other educational activities, such as Summer University.

Free supplies may also not be handed out at internal employee events, meetings and seminars.

Supplies for these types of events can be purchased at

These guidelines are to ensure that conference supplies are used for their intended purpose: To support academic events while at the same time promoting the Aarhus University brand to guests, collaboration partners and the world at large.

When ordering, remember that:

We generally need fourteen days to pack and send your order. We may not be able to accept orders with shorter delivery deadlines. This is because Internal Mail Service only collects conference supplies from Events and Communication Support once a week.

Name tags and name cards

Name tags

Aarhus University provides free name tags and table name cards to all units at the university for conferences and events with external attendees. You can order these from the AU webshop

How to create name tags

How to add names to name tags, etc.

Download step-by-step guides here on how to add names to name tags, butterfly name tags and table name cards

Template for AU name tags
Template for 1 sheet with AU butterfly name tags (Danish version)
Template for 1 sheet with AU butterfly name tags (English version)
Template for 1 sheet with AU butterfly name tags (BSS)
Template for AU table name cards

Nametags for short term events:

Template for self-adhesive nametags Self-adhesive nametags, AU-logo (UK)

Template for self-adhesive nametags Self-adhesive nametags, BSS-logo (UK)

Aarhus University does not recommend using the self-adhesive nametags on leather, silk, and velvet. Damage to fabric may occur. NB printing only works with a laser printer!

Merchandise (not for free)

Merchandise with the Aarhus University logo, such as bags and clothes, can be bought at Stakbogladen bookshop’s physical shop or online at If you need customised merchandise for a conference or event, please contact Lone Jørgensen at  

Payment and delivery
Webshop prices include VAT. Pay with your AU credit card or EAN invoice for university purchases. Pick up your order at the Stakbogladen bookshop during opening hours or get it delivered by PostNord. 

We are constantly working to make AU merchandise more sustainable. For example, we now sell sustainable water bottles and tote bags and clothes made from organic cotton. We only select products for our product range that have a practical use

Discounts and vouchers

Aarhus University can book the conference and events facilities at Sandbjerg Estate at a discounted rate. The Aarhus University Research Foundation has also entered into sponsorship agreements with ARoS Aarhus Art Museum and Concert Hall Aarhus. Furthermore, the Aarhus University Research Foundation's property company, FEAS, has an agreement with Den Gamle By i Aarhus. Details about these agreements and their associated benefits for Aarhus University and its conference guests are provided below.

Vouchers specified in these agreements can be ordered via the web shop

Sandbjerg Estate

Aarhus University receives a 25% discount on the 24-hour conference stay rate when booking Sandbjerg Estate for university events. This discount was agreed to make it more attractive for Aarhus University’s employees to use Sandbjerg Estate for courses and seminars. The 25% discount applies to Sandbjerg’s 24-hour conference stays but does not apply to additional services such as extra drinks or celebration dinners.

Sandbjerg’s standard price for a 24-hour conference stay is DKK 1,745 (2024 price). 
VAT is fully deductible, except for catering services, for which you can deduct 25% of the VAT.

The discount applies to all attendees at events organised by AU. This means that all attendees are eligible for a discount regardless of their place of employment if the event is organised by an AU employee. Contact Sandbjerg Estate to hear more about how to get the discount.

Read more about how to apply for financial support from the Aarhus University Research Foundation for academic events held at Sandbjerg Estate 

Read more about Sandbjerg Estate


The agreement between Aarhus University and ARoS includes:

  • Free ARoS vouchers for those attending AU conferences. A voucher gives you free access to ARoS during opening hours.
    The free vouchers can only be used for conferences and events with external attendees.
    Conference attendees can use their voucher during their conference stay in Aarhus in hours outside the conference programme (before, during or immediately after the conference). The validity period of the vouchers therefore runs from Saturday the week before the week of the conference to Sunday the week after. (For example: If the conference runs from Wednesday to Friday within the same week, the voucher will be valid from Saturday the week before until Sunday the week of the conference. When you place an order, you must therefore state the week in which the voucher should be valid in connection with the conference/event. Note that vouchers cannot be ordered for BOTH Den Gamle By and ARoS, you must choose either the one or the other when you place your order.
    Order your vouchers via our webshop
  • Free admission tickets to ARoS for visiting professors:
    Visiting professors at Aarhus University who receive assistance from the Relocation Service or participate in Getting Started events can be given a free admission ticket to ARoS for use during their stay. To request these tickets, please contact Talent Development and Research Mobility
    Order your vouchers via our webshop
  • Free use of the ARoS auditorium when buying a catering package in 2024
    Prices range from DKK 355 per person (excluding VAT) for a half-day meeting to DKK 435 per person (excluding VAT) for a full-day meeting. See ARoS’ catering packages here: aros-moeder-og-konferencer-priser-aug-2022.pdf. A full-day package includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon coffee and cake – with focus on locally sourced produce and a plant-based menu. Breakfast and afternoon coffee and cake are served in the area just next to the auditorium, and lunch is served in the restaurant on the eighth floor. The auditorium can hold up to 178 people but can also be used by smaller groups. The museum opens at 10:00 but conference guests are welcome from 09:00 – as the conference organiser, you can access the building thirty minutes earlier via the gate. The museum closes at 21:00 on weekdays and at 17:00 at the weekend and is closed on Mondays. Additional meeting rooms are available at DKK 3,000 per room (excluding VAT).
  • Events at ARoS that do not include free use of the auditorium:
    If you wish to hold an event (a welcome reception or a guided tour as part of a conference, etc.) at ARoS, you will need to buy admission tickets to the museum. Vouchers cannot be used for this type of event. Admission tickets must be purchased as part of the agreement you make with ARoS. If you are organising an event that includes refreshments, admission tickets will be priced at DKK 85 per participant (standard price DKK 140). The Aarhus University Research Foundation (which finances vouchers and discount agreements) also has a special agreement with ARoS for a 10% discount on AU events (does not apply to admission tickets as these are already offered at a reduced price or to special offers/prices).
  • Creative activities for guests: If you would like to inspire and challenge your guests, ARoS offers a range of art breaks (“kunstpauser”). Read more here: aros-moeder-og-konferencer-kunstpause.pdf. Art breaks are offered at the following prices:
    Giant jigsaw puzzle: DKK 1.500 excluding VAT (max. 20 people at the same time)
    Art creates words, words create art: DKK 1.000 excluding VAT (groups of max. 20 people – possible to run two groups simultaneously)
    Visual relay: DKK 750 excluding VAT (max. 12 people at the same time – possible to run two groups simultaneously)
  • Special deal for dinner in the restaurant (min. 25 people): a three-course meal, two glasses of wine and coffee for DKK 550 per person (including VAT) plus an admission ticket for DKK 85 – or DKK 635 in total.

To book rooms or make other agreements regarding events, please contact the sales and events department at ARoS Aarhus Art Museum at or tel. 6190 4900.
For further questions, feel free to contact Events and Communication Support, AU (Lone Jørgensen).

The Concert Hall Aarhus

Concert Hall Aarhus extends a minimum 30% reduction on standard venue rental rates. Technical assistance, AV equipment and catering services are charged separately and provided by Concert Hall Aarhus. Book meeting rooms via the Concert Hall Aarhus website.

Concert Hall Aarhus also offers:

  • A 10-40% discount on ticket prices for performances and events by special agreement and only for a large number of guests – not available to individuals.
  • Order via the Concert Hall Aarhus website.

Contact the Business Department at the Concert Hall:

Project manager
Rikke Myrwick
T: 41 85 65 06 

Special offers at Den Gamle By

Den Gamle By offers:

  • A 20% discount on the price of booking the Helsingør Theater venue if a catering order for the event of at least DKK 10,000 is placed at the same time.
  • A 10% discount on the standard rates for catering if the price of the event exceeds DKK 10,000.
  • Any other use of the venue is subject to agreement with Den Gamle By. Usually, use of the venue is included if purchasing other services (such as catering) for a certain amount.
  • UNTIL 30 November 2025: Vouchers for admission to Den Gamle By during opening hours in connection with conferences – only for events with external attendees. These free vouchers can be used from Monday to Friday all year round except in July and December.
    Note that vouchers cannot be ordered for BOTH Den Gamle By and ARoS, you must choose either the one or the other when you place your order. 

Conference loan equipment

Events and Communication Support lends out a range of branded AU conference and event supplies that promote the university.
You will be liable to pay compensation to Events and Communication Support in the event of loss or damage due to misuse.

Note that conference equipment must be ordered at least 14 days in advance.

Loan of conference items


We have a collection of 17 different roll-ups available for loan, either as a complete set, partial set or as individual units.

A roll-up banner is a portable display that pulls up from a base stand. Our roll-ups are packed individually in bags with a base stand, making them easy to transport.

Indicate in your email which roll-ups you want to borrow. Use letters as shown in the image above to refer to the individual roll-ups.

Make sure to pack the roll-ups in the correct bags before returning. Each bag has a picture of the roll-up it belongs to.

Roll-ups A - O, dimensions 85 X 200 cm

Roll-ups P + Q, dimensions 150 X 210 cm

CONNECT roll-ups measure 85 x 200 cm.

You can choose from six different types. C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6.

Beach flags

14 beach flags featuring the AU logo in various vibrant colours. 

We have 3 turquoise, 1 orange, 2 blue, 2 grey, 1 purple, 1 red, 2 pink and 2 yellow. 

Indicate in your email if you would like a certain colour.   

The flags are designed to be secured to the ground.

Measurements: About 4 meters in height.

The flags are primarily used for the DHL Relay, but can be borrowed for other purposes from September to July.

The flags are washable, and the borrower is responsible for any cleaning if necessary.

You can also borrow water-filled bases. Indicate the desired quantity in your query.

Banners with white-and-blue AU logo

12 banners featuring the AU logo in white and blue with holes so that they can be installed using rope. Banners measure 1 x 2 metres.

9 banners featuring the AU logo in white and blue with holes so they can be installed using rope. Banners measure 1 x 5 meters.

The banners are primarily used for the DHL Relay, but can be borrowed for other purposes from September through to July

Tall sign holders

2 sign stands, accommodating A2 paper format
6 sign stands, accommodating A3 paper format

A-shape sign board

4 sign boards

Accommodates A1 paper format (60 x 85 cm) and has wheels.


21 easels available for loan. Can be used for foam boards and posters.

Post boxes

1 white metal postbox (dimensions H: 39 cm; W: 26 cm; D: 15.5 cm)


3 umbrellas available for loan, of which 2 feature the AU logo, for small groups of guests.
The umbrellas must be returned in the same condition. In the event of loss or damage, umbrellas must be replaced.

Security barriers

4 barrier posts and black belt (3 meters) for connecting the posts.

A post measures 101.5 m in height and weighs 10 kg. 

Who to contact for help borrowing conference equipment

For questions about conference supplies, feel free to contact us at or tel. 9352 2130.

Note that loan equipment must be booked at least 14 days in advance.

Pick up your loan equipment at:

Fredrik Nielsens Vej 5
Building 1445
8000 Aarhus C

Booking of poster boards

Aarhus University has 100 poster boards. All units at Aarhus University are welcome to borrow these. See below for details, conditions for borrowing and what to do. Book your poster boards well in advance, preferably at least six months before your event/conference. Poster boards are usually in high demand.

Dimensions and appearance of poster boards

The poster boards measure 158 cm by 190 cm (w x h) and the board proper is 150 cm by 120 cm (w x h). The board is white, and the frame is made of metal. See photo above.

A poster board can fit two posters on either side (A1 poster format). A poster board looks the same on either side. The best way to fix posters to the board is with Powerstrips, which can easily be found and ordered on the Internet. Tape, sticky tack, or similar materials may be used, but please note that posters are more likely to fall down when using these attachment methods. Regardless of what you used, you are responsible for removing all items from the poster walls after use.

Do not write on the poster boards! They are not whiteboards. Do not use whiteboard pens or similar on the boards.

Assembling the wheels

The poster boards are delivered on trolleys (wheeled) with 10 poster boards to each trolley. There is also a box of wheels for the poster boards. You need to assemble the wheels at the place of use. Once the wheels have been assembled, you will be able to easily move the boards around (the boards cannot be set up without wheels). Wheel assembly requires nuts and a wrench. Tools are supplied. After use, the wheels should be removed and the poster boards placed on the trolley ready for return transport. If you have booked a lot of poster boards, consider paying Movato to help with set-up and assembly – see “Help with assembly” below.

Instructions for use and handling of poster boards can be downloaded here

Transport – pick up and return

After receipt of final confirmation (from of your booking, you need to book transport of the boards. ALWAYS use Movato for this, as Aarhus University has a purchasing agreement this company. You need to pay for transport yourself. We have already agreed the practical aspects of the transport with Movato, and they are the only people with access to the warehouse where the poster boards are stored.

You must book the transport no later than one week before the desired delivery or four weeks before the desired delivery if the destination is outside of Aarhus. Transport can be arranged on weekdays, at weekends and during holidays.

To avoid errors, use the booking form when you book the transport. You can access the form via The passcode is Aarhus.

Alternatively, contact Movato at or tel. 6990 2323.

Read more about Movato at

Help with setting up

You can ask Movato to help with simple setups at an extra charge. This service should also be booked in advance. For elaborate setups, for example with extra poster boards, Expression can be booked at an extra charge – see contact details below.

First come, first served

Poster boards can be borrowed on a “first come, first served” basis. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that we will have poster boards available when you need them. If that is the case, you will have to rent poster boards from an external supplier. This also applies if you need more poster boards than are available. Poster boards (not necessarily identical in appearance) can be rented from:

Expression, contact Henrik Hansen,, tel. 6165 3597, email


As the borrower you are responsible for ensuring that the poster boards are handled with due care while on loan, and that they are returned in the same condition as when you received them. Wheels must be disassembled, all tape, etc. must be removed from the poster boards, and they must be cleaned if necessary.

You are also responsible for booking transport of the poster boards and for ensuring they are returned at the specified time (so they are ready for the next borrower).

Contact information, booking of poster boards

You can order the poster boards by sending an email to
In the email, please state:

  • Time of booking (desired date and time of delivery). Poster boards are booked for whole days. The boards must be returned immediately after use.
  • Time of return (date and time of collection)
  • Number of poster boards. Min. 10, max. 100 poster boards. The boards are supplied on trolleys with 10 boards each, so they will be delivered in multiples of 10.
  • Occasion for use (conference name etc.).
  • Location
  • Person responsible for booking (name, tel. and email)
  • The poster boards can be booked up to 18 months in advance

Guidelines for booking banner sites

Guidelines for booking banner sites

  • Booking of banner sites is on a first-come, first-served basis via the Outlook calendar function. Bookings are not valid until approved by email. Once your booking has been approved, you will receive an email containing relevant practical information.
  • Banner sites can only be booked for AU activities and some AU-related activities. All banners advertising AU activities must contain a clearly visible AU logo. Banners advertising AU-related activities must clearly indicate the identity of the organisation responsible and must also feature an AU logo or a BSS logo, for example together with the wording “In collaboration with AARHUS UNIVERSITY [logo]” – (see guidelines for the use and positioning of logo here).
  • You must send your banner for graphics approval to before it is sent for printing. Information about banner site, time frame and contact person must be included in the email. Remember to allow plenty of time for approval. See the formats for the various banner sites below.
    • Note: If you are from Aarhus BSS, your banner must be approved by Simon Andersen Nørredam ( or Didde Trolle (
  • Banner sites can be booked max. 14 days at a time and banners must be removed after max. 14 days. Booking must be for 14 whole days, for example from Monday 1 February to Sunday 14 February.
  • You can see your booking in Outlook, both before and after it has been confirmed.
  • As the organiser you are responsible for producing the banner and arranging its installation and removal.
  • You are also responsible for paying all costs associated with installation/removal of the banner.
  • The university reserves the right to change bookings if other bookings take priority.

How to book a banner site:

  • Open your Outlook calendar.
  • Select "New appointment"
  • Insert the desired start and end dates (must be 14 whole days – e.g. Monday to Sunday)
  • Select "Invite attendees" and then "To" to open the global mailing list
  • In the search field, type "Banner site" and choose between the 10 possible banner sites 
  • Select the banner site(s) you want to book
  • Select "OK" (the desired site(s) will now be listed after "To")
  • Select “Send”. Note: Selecting "Send" will lead you to the tab: "Do you want to send the meeting request without location?" and the option to click "Don't send" or "Send anyway". Select "Send anyway" as the location is specified in the banner booking itself via the selected banner site.
  • You will receive an email saying, "The meeting request has been received and is awaiting approval". Note that the desired banner site has not been booked until you have received a second confirming your booking.

REMEMBER to send your banner for graphics approval to before sending it for printing.

Check if your desired banner site is available:

  • Open your Outlook calendar.
  • Select “Open calendar” and then select from the list “From the address book...”
  • Write “Bannerplads” in the search field for the global address. Choose the banner site you want from the list.
  • Select the banner site, and then select “Calendar” and “OK”.
  • The calendar for the banner site is now visible and can be selected in your menu on the left.
  • Note: If you want a unified view of the calendars, select "Planning view".

Possible AU banner sites


Building no.     




Building 1412

The main building facing Ringgaden near the Main Hall

H: 7 m x W: 5 m


Building 1420

Studenterhus Aarhus facing Ringgaden

H: 4 m x W: 2.8 m.


Building 1441

Facing Randersvej

H: 4 m x W: 11 m


Building 2610 (the S-building) 

The S-building, southern façade facing Vestre Ringgade

H: 11 m x W: 4 m


Building 2610 (the S-building)

The S-building, western main entrance, façade facing the car park

H: 7 m x W 3 m


Building 1251 (Lakeside Lecture Theatres)

The Lakeside Lecture Theatres above the main entrance

H: 2 m x W: 12 m


Building 1251 (Lakeside Lecture Theatres)

The Lakeside Lecture Theatres facing Vennelyst Boulevard

H: 2.5 m x W: 7.5 m.


Building 1252 (Lakeside Lecture Theatres)

The Lakeside Lecture Theatres facing Nørrebrogade

H: 6.5 m x W: 2.75 m


Building 1422 (at Stakladen)    

Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2-4 by Stakladen   

H: 2 m x W: 3 m       

* Note that banner 11 may not be used for advertising

Installation and removal

There is currently no requirement for contracting with a specific company for installation and removal of your banners. If you are in doubt about which supplier to choose, contact

Production of banners.

There is currently no requirement for contracting with a specific banner supplier. However, we recommend that you obtain quotes from several suppliers. If you are in doubt about which supplier to choose, contact 

For outdoor wall banners we recommend ordering the following material:
Dekotex 130 g with waistband + eyelets per 100 cm or Net PVC 320 g. with folds + eyelets per 100 cm. Or a similar material by agreement with the supplier. The material is slightly transparent but due to perforation it will be more robust to wind exposure. It is a good idea to have your manufacturer go through the order with you.

It often also a good idea to ask your banner manufacturer to send the finished printed banner directly to the person who will install and remove the banner. Remember to agree this with both parties

Contact information, booking of banner sites

If you have any questions about booking banners, suppliers or more general inquiries, contact us at

AUtoCampus – the university’s info truck

AUtoCampus is Aarhus University’s custom-built information truck from 2016.

AUtoCampus is available for loan for one-day events officially affiliated with or sanctioned by AU. See below for more on how to book AUtoCampus, prices, conditions and more.

Guidelines and practical information

Loan and use

AUtoCampus can be borrowed by employees at Aarhus University.
Events and Communication Support does not provide technical support or other assistance with operating the info screen (see the info display guide in the truck) in AUtoCampus.
As the borrower you are responsible for entering into agreements with the local facilities management team/person responsible regarding power source and placement of the truck.

Only official use is permitted, i.e. AUtoCampus may not be used for private purposes.
For example, AUtoCampus can be used as a gimmick to draw attention to an event or a message. You are responsible for manning the truck.

It is not allowed to eat or prepare food in AUtoCampus. If you intend to distribute drinks and/or premade food from AUtoCampus, check with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration regarding hygiene and inform the nearby canteens (if your event is to take place on AU grounds).

Loan terms

Loan terms

AUtoCampus can be borrowed and placed at a named address one day at a time. AUtoCampus is delivered in the morning and picked up again in the evening, at an agreed time, according to prior agreement with the transport company.

The borrower bears the cost of the transport from the port to the designated location and return, as well as of light cleaning of the truck inside and outside after use. Cleaning charges are calculated on the basis of full hours and will usually amount to 1-2 hours. Any partial hour will be billed as a full hour. The borrower may not handle official transport and cleaning themselves, but must return AUtoCampus in a tidy condition and with all waste removed. If necessary, contact Events and Communication Support at for an estimate of the cost of transport and cleaning before you book AUtoCampus.

AUtoCampus can occasionally be used at the same location for several consecutive weekdays (max. Monday-Friday). The truck will be secured with a trailer hitch lock upon delivery, and the borrower is responsible for monitoring and securing the doors throughout the loan period. In the event of use for several consecutive days, the borrower is also liable for any costs incurred in the event of e.g. vandalism, burglary or similar. For multi-day loans, additional time should be allocated for exterior cleaning.

As a borrower, you are responsible for AUtoCampus throughout the loan period. This means that the faculty, department/school or research environment responsible for the loan is liable for any costs that may arise during this period, regardless of whether these costs relate to the interior or exterior of the truck. Read more about insurance.

Transport costs, cleaning, and any fees and taxes

Transport expenses
AU has a transport agreement with TinyOffice, who built the truck. They are also responsible for setting up and taking down the truck at the specified location.
The rates are DKK 2,150 per trip under 75 km and DKK 3,300 per trip over 75 km. (valid until 31 December 2024)
If AUtoCampus is set up in Aarhus, the cost of transporting, setting up and taking down the truck will total DKK 4,300.
If AUtoCampus is set up in Herning, for example, the cost of transporting, setting up and taking down the truck will total DKK 6,600.

AU has a cleaning agreement with Kongsvang Cleaning & Facility A/S, who are responsible for cleaning the interior and exterior of AUtoCampus after use. Cleaning is mandatory and must be ordered when booking AUtoCampus.
Cleaning is set at a fixed price of DKK 697 (valid until 1 June 2024).

Parking fines
If you receive a parking fine due to illegal parking of AUtoCampus, you are liable to pay for this yourself.

All prices are excl. VAT.

Location of AUtoCampus

Location of AUtoCampus

When booking AUtoCampus, please specify both the exact placement at the address and the desired orientation of the front hatches. The truck cannot be moved once it has been put in place by the transport company. Read more under Booking, transport and setting up.

AUtoCampus takes up some space, so make sure the location is spacious enough and that you have extra assistance at the location to help with manoeuvring the truck into place. Also keep this in mind when you choose a location. The borrower, or a representative of the borrower, must be present when the transport company delivers AUtoCampus. If the transport company determines there is insufficient space at delivery, AUtoCampus will not be delivered, and the full rental fee will still apply. Read more under Loan terms.



AUtoCampus must be connected to power. As a borrower, you are responsible for entering into agreements with the local facilities management team/person responsible for power and for placement of AUtoCampus, well before it is to be set up.

AUtoCampus comes with a power cable (approx. 15 m) and uses an ordinary 220 watt, 3 pole plug/CE plug. Keep this in mind when you choose the location. And specify the power source location in your reservation.

Booking, transport and setting up

You book AUtoCampus in Outlook in the following way:

Open your Outlook calendar

Select "New appointment"

Insert the desired date. As a rule, AUtoCampus can only be borrowed one day at a time and must be returned on the same day as delivery.

Select "Invite attendees" and then "To" to open the global mailing list

Write “AUtoCampus” in the search field.

Select "OK" (AUtoCampus will now be indicated in the "To" line)

In the comment field, indicate...

Booking – In the comment field, indicate:

What AUtoCampus will be used for

The address to which AUtoCampus is to be transported

Please specify the exact placement of AUtoCampus at the location, including the preferred orientation of the front hatches (e.g. facing the square/street/ or other landmark). If necessary, attach an image of a map indicating the specific placement of AUtoCampus at the address

From where power will be drawn. Note: The power cable is 15 meters long.

Correct project and activity number for use on the cleaning invoice.

Select “Send”. Note: Selecting "Send" will lead you to the tab: "Do you want to send the meeting request without location?" and the option to click "Don't send" or "Send anyway". Select "Send anyway" as the location is specified in the booking itself.

Wait for an email that says "Accepted".

Book in good time: AUtoCampus must be booked no later than 14 days before the desired use.

Transport and setting up

After your AUtoCampus booking is confirmed, you'll receive an email with the transport company contact details. You can then coordinate directly with them regarding delivery, setup, power requirements, and other logistics.

Keys and manuals

Pick up the key from Events and Communication Support (Building 1910, Room 328, Trøjborgvej 82-84) at least one business day before your rental date. Advance arrangements are required. Please schedule your pickup time when making your booking.

Your booking will be cancelled if you fail to pick up the key as agreed, and you will be charged a fee corresponding to 50% of the agreed loan cost.

An AUtoCampus manual is available with miscellaneous information about things such as keys, lighting, heating, front latches, electrical control panel, stools and info display.


Aarhus University is covered by the Danish state’s self-insurance for any damage to or incidents involving AUtoCampus. This means that any damage to AUtoCampus during the rental period will be charged to the booking faculty, department, school, or research environment. Read more about self-insurance.

Dimensions and content

5.5 m long (including the coupler)

2.3 m wide

3.9 m high

Turning radius approx. 14 m

A-frame sign, format 70 x 100 cm

A small step/door stool

Interactive display that can loop movies or images via an USB connector.

Power cable (approx. 15 m), ordinary 220 watt, 7 pole plug/CE plug.

All other required equipment must be provided by the borrower


To reserve AUtoCampus, create a booking in your Outlook calendar. Read more under Booking, transport and setting up.

If necessary, contact Events and Communication Support at for an estimate of the cost of transport and cleaning before you book AUtoCampus


Find out who to contact under the relevant sections.

Can’t find the relevant contact information? Feel free to contact us at