Graphic work

Book a design job

Always start by contacting your local communication partner, who will assess the scope of the task and advice you whether assistance from a graphic designer is needed.

Before ordering

Before ordering graphic design work, please consider the following questions. This makes the process faster, better and more flexible.

  • What is the primary message?
  • Which is the primary target group?
  • Who is the sender?
  •  How do you envisage the final product (type, size, scope)?
  • What is the narrative form (stylistic, youthful, graphic, fact-based etc.)?
  • What is the image style? Is it necessary to book photographers, or will you supply your own images?
  • Prepare a flatplan/table of contents specifying all the content
  • Agree how files, documents, updates will be supplied (WeTransfer, Google Docs, local shared drive?)
  • Who is the project manager, and who is the final decision-maker?
  • Estimated budget/time consumption?
  • Deadline?
  • Agree follow-up meeting, if necessary, once the product has been delivered 


Checklist for supplying material

Before starting work on the layout, it is a good idea to check the following requirements:

  • All text content must be submitted in one folder, or in a single Word document (with clear page numbering), as well as X number of Excel sheets (with corresponding page numbering).
  • The body text must be proofread by a native speaker. If a decision-maker needs to approve the linguistic content, it is a good idea to do it at this stage.
  • The table of contents/flatplan must be supplied as an Excel file, and the number of pages should generally be divisible by four (12, 16, 20 pages...).
  • All figures, tables and graphs must be supplied in Excel format, ideally with dummy artwork if figures need to be produced.
  • Highlighted quotes must be simple and concise; facts and key figures must be double-checked for accuracy.

Types of task

AU Design is based at Research and External Relations, Events and Communication Support, and is currently staffed by four employees. Each year, we undertake about 350+ graphics tasks at management, faculty, department, school and centre level.

Types of task

Graphic design work is carried out and invoiced at an hourly rate of DKK 500, which is settled via internal invoicing. 

Book a design job

Please use the button below to make a request about a design job from AU Design. If possible, please specify the deadline for the task. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

AU Design