On this page you can find the answers to the mandatory activites in the period up to go-live for mitHR.

We will continously work on and expand the content, so later on you will also find the answers to the most common questions regarding the use of mitHR.

In general

What are the most important mile stones and dates towards go live for mitHR?

See the time line here.

What is pilot operation? What work can be done during this period? Who participates? How do I get tasks prioritized?

Pilot operation is that period, where the solution is accessible for the early users in a completely controlled environment. In details, it means that a small group of around 10-15 people access mitHR and perform planned, prioritized tasks. The prioritization of these tasks will happen later and will also depend on the outcome of the freeze period.

Holiday and absence 2022

End of holiday year: What needs to be ready? When does it have to be ready?

Since you have to register your holiday in advance, it is important that you register all your holiday for 2022 no later than December 31st 2022.
Agreements to transfer the 5th holiday week MUST be made in writing no later than December 31st 2022.
If all this is settled before the Christmas holiday, the absence registrar can make the formal end of the holiday year (including transfer of holidays to the new holiday year) in the first week of January (until January 6th at 12.00 noon).
HR Data and Digitalization will, as usual. send out the instructions as to how to end the holiday year.
If you have to register holiday in 2023 you can either do it in AUHRA before January 6th at noon (the registration will then be transferred to mitHR) or you can register it directly in mitHR from January 25th 2023.

What is the deadline for registration of absence due to illness?

All absence due to illness up to and including January 5th 2023 must be registered in AUHRA, both single days and periods with long-term illness.
Illness that occurs in the freeze period, must be registered in mitHR when it opens on January 25th 2023. The absence registrar have to keep the information somewhere safe outside the systems until then.
You will still be able to apply for reimbursement in case of long-term illness, pregnancy related illness, §56 illness etc. provided that it is a new illness.
If, on the other hand, an employee falls long-term ill during December 2022, it is very important that you contact HR so you can keep the deadline for notification to the municipality.

What is the deadline for registration of childcare days?

It is not possible to register children and allocate childcare days in the freeze period.
Childcare days allocated in 2022 have to be used in 2022, as usual - otherwise they are repealed. Registration of the days for 2022 must therefore also be done no later than January 6th 2023.

Can I use the overview of Holiday and Absence on staff.au.dk/medarbejdere.au.dk?

The overview of Holiday and Absence on medarbejdere.au.dk/staff.au.dk will not be updated after January 6th. You can still see a static version of it on the site until March 1th 2023 where a similar yet dynamic overview will be available in mitHR.
If you need to know your holiday balance in this period, you have to contact your absence registrar.

SDD (Staff Development Dialogue) 2022

Will SDD-managers in AUHRA be migrated to mitHR?

SDD-managers will not be migrated directly from AUHRA to mitHR. HR Data og Digitalization will extract the SDD-managers from AUHRA and they will be validated in the organization from October 6th and up until the Christmas holiday 2022. Whatever is ready by Christmas, will be migrated to mitHR.
The guidelines for SDD 2022 are also described here.

What is registrered in mitHR if there is no appointed SDD-manager in a unit?

If there is no appointed SDD manager, it will be the head of department (or another senior manager) that appears as line manager in mitHR. U&A are in charge of the process of validating the SDD-manager and manager.

Is it possible for the project to download SDD forms to another place than mitHR?

No, SDD forms have to be downloaded and saved locally and it has to be the individual employee who does it - the manager cannot do it on behalf of the employee. The recommendation is to save it in your own OneDrive.
If you have no other options and you want your SDD-form, you can create an inquiry via Cherwell but it is only for a limited time after go-live.

Do I have to upload my old SDD agreement forms to mitHR in March 2023?

It is entirely up to you if you want to upload your old SDD agreement forms - it is only you as an employee who can do it with your own forms.

If you do upload them, you need to be aware that they will be sent to your manager for approval once again.

Organization and committees 2022

Will the possibility to create/change/close units be affected in the freeze period?


Can I still use the "Guide to Organization Units" during the freeze period?


Do I have to make lists with SU-members (Work Committee) so they can be found in the system from Day 1?

We hope that the data is in mitHR by March 1st 2023 and we are planning on registering the data during February using templates for reporting and loading.
When data is in the system, a report with an overview of the committees will be available in mitHR. When that is ready we will delete the data on the web pages.

When are the templates for reporting the line managers ready?

October 5th 2022.

Will the "Find your union representative" on au.dk be accessible until the employees get access to mitHR on March 1st 2023?

Find your union representative on au.dk will remain until we have a report ready in mitHR, where the employee can find the same information.

Time and absence registration in Promark

When does Promark close?

Promark closes for employee access at noon (12.00 pm) on January 5th 2023.

What is the deadline for time registration in Promark?

The deadline for registration of time in Promark will most probably be January 5th 2023 - this will be coordinated according to the accounting plan in AU Finance.

What is the deadline for registration of absence in Promark?

We urge that all known holiday and absence is registered before December 31st 2022. Further clarification regarding closure of the holiday year will follow.

Administration of employments, changes and resignations

Can I access/look up in MSK in the freeze period?

No, that is not possible. In an urgent case, like a work-related accident, a system administrator can access MSK.

What do I do with new employments, changes, and resignations in the freeze period?

You have to register changes in employments and resignations regarding 2022 in MSK no later than December 31st 2022.
If you know of any issues regarding January/February 2023, you need to register them in MSK no later than January 6th 2023 at 12.00 noon.
You have to save changes and resignations that happen during the freeze period and create them from January 25th 2023 in mitHR since these kind of cases typically will not be effective before February 1st.
Employments, changes and resignations in the freeze period must be saved outside the solution by you, so they can be registered in mitHR during the pilot operation January 18th-25th by the early users. It will be a mutual prioritization made by the HR management group about which changes that will be registered.
More information about regsistration will come later.
If a case is so extraordinary that it cannot wait, then contact HR. We can still negotiate salary and make employments even though MSK is frozen.

What are the deadlines for registration of new employments?

All creations of new AU people must happen before January 6th 2023.

You need to pay special attention to start dates in January, February and March in regards to case handling time in HR.

Some HR units have decided upon the following deadlines but you can coordinate with your own HR unit as to how to secure that data is settled well in advance.

Employments starting in January:
DK citizen: December 1st 2022
EU citizen: November 1st 2022
Non-EU citizen: October 1st 2022

Employments starting in February:
DK citizen: December 1st 2022
EU citizen: November 1st 2022
Non-EU citizen: October 1st 2022

Employments starting in March:
DK citizen: December 1st 2022 or between January 25th 2023 and February 1st 2023
EU citizen: December 1st 2022
Non-EU citizen: December 1st 2022

Welcoming mail must be sent from MSK no later than:
January 6th 2022 at 12:00 noon.

What are the deadlines for registration of extentions?

It is not possible to create extentions in MSK during the freeze period.
If Danish citizens or EU citizens are extended as of February 1st 2023, HR needs the recommendation of extension no later than December 31st 2022.
If non-EU citizens are extended, HR needs the recommendation of extension no later than December 1st 2022.

What are the deadlines for registration of resignations?

Resignations must be registered no later than January 6th 2022. Expirations lists will be made.

Will data on employees, such as residence- and work permits and payout of 100% pension, be migrated from AUHRA to mitHR?

Residence- and work permits: Yes, they will be in mitHR.

Payout of 100 % pension: Yes, they will be there but they will be handled manually if data is entered in AUHRA.

Recruitment in Emply Hire

Will there be any limitations regarding job postings in Emply Hire during the freeze period?

The freeze period between AUHRA and mitHR has no direct effect on job postings in Emply Hire.
Yet, you do need to pay attention to the fact that it is not possible to:

  • enter employments after finalizing the recruitment
  • create external employment- and assessment committee members in the freeze period.

Therefore it is important that you are on top of all your active job postings.


How is Power BI affected in the freeze period? Do the users need to pay attention to the fact that data is not real time during the freeze period?

There might be a short freeze period for data update between January 6th-18th 2023.

When will access to the AUHRA reports be closed?

It is not possible to access the AUHRA reports after 12.00 noon on January 6th 2023. If you have reports that you need to use throughout January and February (and March), you need to extract them before January 6th 2023.
mitHR will contain the most important operational reports and the rest will be added continously.

Which reminders will be migrated to mitHR? 

The following reminders will be migrated:

  • Anniversary

How about pay data for pay negotiation in 2023?

Pay data from December 2022 is necessary for the pay negotiation in 2023. That is why we extract a pay data report from AUHRA in December 2022 for you to use in the negotiations. It is not possible to extract a new report right after go-live since it simply will not be accessible.