Email units and unit abbreviations

Staff members who are employed at departments and certain research centres will get the department's/centre's unit abbreviation as part of their email address.

It is the department head (regarding departments) and the deans (regarding centres) who decides whether or not the unit's staff members must use a unit abbreviation in their email address.

The decision applies to all staff members in the unit.  

All staff members at the administrative units (all deputy director areas including staff members at the administrative centres) must always use in their email address (decision by the senior management team, August 2011).  

Below is a list of approved unit abbreviations as of 29th of May 2024: 

Do you have any questions?

Questions regarding approval of email units can be addressed to Head of Web and Digital Platforms Steffen Longfors, AU Communication.

Steffen Longfors

Head of portfolio and development

Unit abbreviations in personal email addresses

Unit no. Danish name English name Unit name
1816 Institut for Kultur og Samfund Department of Culture and Society
1817 Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur Department of Communication and Culture
1818 Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU) Department of Education
1037 Institut for Husdyr og Veterinærvidenskab Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
5500 Institut for Ecoscience Department of Ecoscience
1807 Institut for Miljøvidenskab Department of Environmental Science
5600 Institut for Geoscience Department of Geoscience
1247 Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab Department of Engineering
1036 Institut for Agroøkologi Department of Agroecology
1039 Institut for Fødevarer Department of Food Science
5400 Institut for Molekylær Biologi og Genetik Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
5200 Institut for Fysik og Astronomi Department of Physics and Astronomy
5100 Institut for Matematik Department of Mathematics
5300 Institut for Kemi Department of Chemistry
5150 Institut for Datalogi Department of Computer Science
1946 Institut for Biomedicin Department of Biomedicine
2400 Institut for Klinisk Medicin Department of Clinical Medicine
2211 Institut for Folkesundhed Department of Public Health
2800 Institut for Odontologi Department of Dentistry
2320 Institut for Retsmedicin Department of Forensic Medicine
3200 Juridisk Institut  Department of Law
3400 Institut for Statskundskab Department of Political Science and Government
3500 Psykologisk Institut Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences
1071 Institut for Virksomhedsledelse Department of Management
3100 Institut for Økonomi Department of Economics and Business
3810 Institut for Forretningsudvikling og Teknologi Department of Business Development and Technology
2917 Institut for Bio- og Kemiteknologi Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering
2934 Institut for Byggeri og Bygningsdesign Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
2939 Institut for Elektro- og Computerteknologi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2960 Institut for Mekanik og Produktion Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering
5500 Institut for Ecoscience Department of Ecoscience


Centres/Units similar to departments

1819 Center for Undervisningsudvikling og Digitale Medier Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media
2473 Onkologisk Afdeling Department of Oncology
National centres
1040 DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy
1015 DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug DCA - Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture
Research centres
1591 Center for kvantegeometri af Modulirum Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces
1600 Science and Technology Learning Lab Science and Technology Learning Lab
1646 Center for Avanceret Visualisering og Interaktion Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction
2483 Center for Funktionelt Integrativ Neurovidenskab Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience
5114 Center for Bioinformatik Bioinformatics Research Centre
5213 Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center
5700 Center for Videnskabsstudier Center for Science Studies


Interdisciplinary Center for Organizational Architecture (ICOA)  Interdisciplinary Center for Organizational Architecture (ICOA)
1038 Center for Kvantitativ Genetik og Genomforskning Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
3031 The Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center The Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center
Special units
1954 Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies
2244 Science Museerne
2121 Forskningsenheden for Almen Praksis
2268 Studenteridræt
2598 Censorsekretariatet
2965 Adgangskursus og gymnasiale aktiviteter
Hosted email in Exchange
1769 Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems
1464 Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research
1985 IT Forum Midtjylland
1162 IT Vest
9930 BSS Bookstore
3044 Biodiversitetsraadet
1655 Center for stokastisk geometri og avanceret bioimaging Center for Stochastic Geometry and Advanced Bioimaging
Units that are self-administrated outside  Exchange

Unit abbreviations - @(unit.)

In August 2011, the Senior Management Team has decided that only research related units can use an unit abbreviation in their email address. Staff at the administrative units (the vice deputy areas and the administration centres) will always get an email address which ends with

The choice of unit abbreviations is not an individual choice, but a decision made at each main academic area. All staff, who is primarily affiliated to the unit, needs to follow the decision.

If you find that your unit abbreviation is incorrect, you should contact your immediate supervisor or the person responsible for personal staff data in your department. They are responsible for your registration in AU's it systems.

If you have dual employment, you should know that the unit abbreviation will be generated on the basis of your primary affiliation which is shown on your personal website (the unit written first). Find your personal website on