Analysis and Policy


Na Ree Sørensen

Division Manager Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility ­

  • Head of the unit
  • AU’s strategy
  • AU’s strategic framework contract with the Ministry for Higher Education and Science
  • Policy and policy advocacy

Alexander Secher

Special Consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Documentation and analysis
  • Cross-organisational strategic projects
  • Policy and advocacy

Andreas Stounbjerg

Special Consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Implementation of AU’s climate strategy 2020-25  
  • Climate action plans & Greenhouse gas emissions report  
  • Development of green projects
  • Administrative support for the board

Birgitte Højland

Senior consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Project manager for AU's FE initiative under the auspices of AUFF.

Camilla Rahbek

Special Consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Annual performance reporting for the board
  • AU's strategy action plans
  • Budget meetings
  • Documentation and analysis

Grith Thagaard Loft

Senior consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Secretariat for Aarhus University’s board
  • AU programme lead for the Circle U. European university alliance

Inge Liengaard

Senior consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Secretariat for the Research Committee
  • Secretariat for the Committee for Diversity and Gender Equality
  • Responsible conduct of research and freedom of research

Laura Mikkelsen

Chief/Special Consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy
  • Project manager of Strategy 2030
  • Implementation of AU’s climate strategy 2020-25 
  • AU's strategy action plans

Lisbeth Halmø Nørholm

Special Consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Secretariat for the Education Committee (UFU)
  • Documentation and analysis
  • Policy and advocacy

Mark Vestergaard Arve

Special Consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Documentation and analysis
  • Policy and advocacy
  • Strategic framework contract

Pernille Grøne

Special Consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • The Circle U. European university alliance
  • Internationalisation

Tobias Bach-Varneskov

Special Consultant Rector's Office - Analysis and Policy

Areas of responsibility

  • Universities Denmark
  • Administrative support for The Education Committee (UFU)
  • Documentation and analysis
  • The academic councils