Communication and Press

Sys Christina Vestergaard

Head of Press and Communications

Areas of responsibility

  • Overall responsibilities for AU’s communication and press
  • Manager of the unit

Areas of responsibility

  • Team manager of daily organisational communication.

Casper Dam

Communications Officer

Areas of responsibility

  • Social media.
  • The Yourniversity-campaign.
  • User involvement and retention.
  • Study life.

Dorthe Brandt Larsen

Communications Adviser

Areas of responsibility

  • Webmaster for Rector's Office.
  • Communication partner for AU Research.
  • GDPR.

Fie Ebbesen Graae

Communications Adviser

Areas of responsibility

  • Communication partner for AU Buildings
  • Sustainability
  • Campus 2.0

  • Press contact.
  • Press surveillance
  • Management communication.

Temp for Rasmus Kerrn-Jespersen at the Faculty Secretariat, Natural Sciences.

Ida Hammerich Nielson

Communications Adviser

Areas of responsibility

  • News coverage
  • Communication partner on events and conferences
  • High school relations
  • Alumni
  • The Royal Danish Library
  • Editor of (news and calendar)

Jakob Rom Johansen

Communications Adviser

Areas of responsibility

  • Communication partner, AU IT.
  • Information security.
  • Editing of
  • Profiling.
  • Management communication.

Jesper Bo Jensen

Communications Consultant

Areas of responsibility

  • Analysing media monitoring and communication measurements.
  • Press (monitoring and lists of experts) Administration and support for Retriever tools.
  • Media contracts and subscriptions.

Areas of responsibility

  • Social media channels.
  • Video production.
  • Management communication.

Areas of responsibility

  • Communication Partner, AU HR and AU Finance.
  • Management communication.
  • News from the administration (editor).
  • AU Key figures.
  • Organisational charts.
  • IKOO (Coordination group for internal communication).

Areas of responsibility

  • Social media channels.
  • Video production.
  • Analysing media monitoring and communication measurements.


  • Social media
  • Video production.


Areas of responsibility

  • Social media channels.
  • Video and podcast production.
  • Strategy and development of AU’s SoMe platforms.
  • Digital media consultancy.
  • Responsible for the external ERFA network.
  • Responsible for contact to the faculties SoMe units.

Sinne B. Jakobsen

Communications Officer

Areas of responsibility

  • Management communication.
  • Communication Partner, AU Student Administration and Services.

Thomas Sørensen

Communications Officer

Areas of responsibility

  • Management communication.
  • Press contact.
  • Press surveillance.