Faglig integration af internationale studerende på engelskstudiet


Hvad var problemstillingen?
The English degree programme takes in approximately sixty exchange students each year from over a dozen countries spread over five continents. Many students come from our partner universities. These students come from different academic cultures and often have difficulty understanding the formal requirements of the examinations they are required to take in Denmark, in particular essay examinations. 

Hvad er der gjort?
Four instructors planned and carried out workshops in November covering the following topics: Thesis statements; MLA vs. Chicago citation styles; integration of quotations; plagiarism; academic writing style; common mistakes; British vs. American English spelling and punctuation; formatting; study regulations (studieordninger); check list for handing in  papers. This was done partly with presentations and partly with “hands-on” exercises. 21 students attended the sessions. Significantly, the participants in the first session were motivated to return for the second session.

Har initiativet haft den ønskede virkning?
The workshop participants were asked to fill out an evaluation form. They were all extremely positive about the workshops and found the information valuable, particularly the topic of citation styles. The instructors also reported  positively and found the participants interested and enthused. There was least enthusiasm for the topic of plagiarism but it was nevertheless thought necessary.

The 2011-2012 examination period is not yet over so any further comments would be premature.

Hvad er det fremtidige potentiale for projektet?
The wish is to continue offering such workshops every semester. The financial outlay is small when compared with the potential gain: a better academic environment for international students; fewer time consuming plagiarism cases; better marks for exchange student exams.

Hvad kan universitetet lære af projektet?
Although the International Centre can offer valuable help in practical issues and general academic topics (e.g. library use) as well as pastoral care of international students, there is still a need for the department itself to offer extra guidance on academic (faglig) matters.


Baggrund og formål
Engelskstudiet er normalt vært for mellem 60-70 udvekslingsstuderende, og der regnes med, at over 100 vil ankomme i efteråret 2011. Der er store udfordringer forbundet med at introducere udenlandske studerende til dansk akademisk kultur. For mange studerende er det især vanskeligt at honorere kravene til skriftlige emneopgaver, hvor de ofte afkræves aflevering af deres første eksamensopgave uden tilstrækkelig indsigt i og kendskab til de krav, der er forbundet hermed. Vi ønsker derfor at bistå udvekslingsstuderende i deres eksamensforberedelse. Midlerne skal anvendes til at finansiere organiseringen af feedback og vejledning af de studerende.

Initiativet baseres på oplæg ved instruktorer om opgaveskrivning, problemformulering, adgang til ressourcer og bistand, regler om plagiering samt på 2 workshops i november måned. Workshops ledes af 4 instruktorer, der også fungerer som facilitatorer og faglige vejledere.

Der er bevilget 15.881 kr. til projektet i 2011.