At, you can access a number of administrative systems e.g. the employee registration system Medarbejderstamkortet.
PURE is AU’s research registration system. Research publications, research activities and research projects are registered in PURE. PURE is also used for the individual websites for AU staff.
Find more it-systems in the index for Staff Service.
The Safety Points contain:
A defibrillator is a portable, battery-powered machine. By administering an electric shock, the defibrillator can get a heart which has stopped pumping blood around the body to start pumping normally again. It is not possible to use a defibrillator incorrectly, and it is easy to use.
Aarhus University has purchased and installed 65 defibrillators. The defibrillators are placed in high-traffic areas. Find the nearest defibrillator at
Read more about AU's Safety Points and defibrillators under Support functions.
First aid courses are offered at AU. The individual unit is responsible for ensuring that the employees have the required first aid skills.
If defibrillators are available on the unit’s premises, the unit is also responsible for ensuring that employees can take a course on how to use the defibrillator.
All units are responsible for working on safety issues to prevent accidents and work-related illnesses.
In order to identify the risks which may lead to personal injury, it is recommended that the units carry out risk assessments on a regular basis with specific focus on personal injury in order to identify the areas where preventive and remedial measures are relevant. Such risk identification is often carried out under the auspices of the local occupational health and safety committee.
All units are also responsible for ensuring that personnel are informed of their duty to report work-related accidents to their immediate supervisor.
The guideline concerning accidents at work is available here.
The individual units must carry out an analysis of the types of work-related accidents which may occur, and make sure that the required preventive measures are implemented to prevent similar accidents. The local management is responsible for involving the occupational health and safety team in this work.
In case of deaths at work or during the performance of work, the local management must be informed. The local management is responsible for reporting the accident to the Danish Working Environment Authority and to the National Board of Industrial Injuries in compliance with current rules.