Guidelines for working with documents

What is a document

The case records are called "documents", and are understood more as case documentation rather than actual documents.

All documents relevant to case processing must be filed. The individual areas/units themselves will define which documents should be added to a case. This is on the basis of the framework for legislation, these guidelines and their own needs for documentation.

When is a document filed?

There should be ongoing filing of all documentation on a case, i.e. immediately after receipt/submission or when the document is created. 

As a general rule, emails should be filed when they are sent or received. In the event of a lengthy correspondence thread, it may be sufficient to only file the last email. Note, however, that attachments will only be filed with the last email. Other emails with attachments should therefore always be filed. For use of emails, see AU’s email policy.

When a document is added to a case, a series of metadata must be added, making it possible to identify and search for the document, including a title, type of document, document classification and the state of the document.

Document metadata

When a document is created, the following must be registered as a minimum:  

  • Document number (added automatically)
  • Created by (added automatically)
  • Created date (added automatically)
  • Case (added automatically)
  • Archiving form (added automatically)
  • Document type
  • Letter date
  • State
  • Title
  • Case handler
  • Responsible unit
  • Classification
  • Party on incoming and outgoing documents

Document title

The title of the document should make it possible to navigate the documents of the case in an easy and manageable manner. It is not sufficient to indicate the type of document, e.g. agenda. The title should also include a brief thematic description of the document.

The title should serve as a very brief and concise summary of the document. Use titles such as: letter [...], minutes meeting [...] or meeting regarding [...]. Think about what others would look for if they needed to find the document.

Abbreviations should be used prudently, as they may lose or change their meaning over time.

As a minimum, document titles must contain what and when. This only applies if the syntax of case titles has been followed. If not, the title of the document must also describe who the document concerns:  

  • What indicates the content of the document – e.g. Agenda 
  • When indicates the relevant period for the document – e.g. 20201130 for agenda for a meeting held on 30 November 2020. 

When using Explorer, it may be relevant when adding a date to use the format yyyymmdd to provide a chronological overview of documents.

Emails filed from Outlook will by default be named with the email title from the subject field. Note that it can be difficult to understand the content of an email called SV: VS: SV: SV. Instead, rename the email to, for example “Reply to application for XXX”, “Decision on application” or “Discussion of the framework for collaboration on YYY”. 

Document type

Document types indicate the type of document in question. The following is used:  

N, Internal – used for internal documents,  

I, Incoming – used for incoming post such as letters or emails 

U, Outgoing – used for outgoing post such as letters or emails 

It is possible to choose other types of documents, but only the above are used.

Document state

The state of the document is used to indicate the options available to edit the document.

  • Personal draft - UP. Can only be displayed, edited and deleted by the creator of the document.
  • Draft - UÅ.  Can be displayed, edited and deleted by everyone.
  • Locked document - UL. The document itself cannot be edited by anyone, but everyone can edit document information.
  • Archived - ARK. The document itself cannot be edited by anyone, but everyone can edit document information. Archived is only used when the document is final.

All documents must be given the state “Archived” when they have been received, sent or are in their final form. In addition, all documents must be given the state "Archived" before a case is closed. 

Letter date

The letter date must reflect the date on which a document was received or sent.    

Special types of documents

Non-digital documents

If a case contains very large physical documents or documentation in a format that cannot be scanned (for example an index map or a layout), it must be noted in the comments field of the case where the documentation can be found.    

Physical post

Physical post should be scanned by the recipient and then saved in Workzone.  


If oral information relevant to a case is received, this should be noted in the case. The same applies to important case processing steps. However, this does not apply if the information is otherwise stated in the case. 

Approved file formats in Workzone

In order to be able to retain documents in the Danish National Archives on a long-term basis, only the following file types are permitted and supported in the ESDH system    

  • Word (doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx)
  • Excel (xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xla, xlam, xlc, xlf, xlm, xlx, xlt, xltm, xltx, xlw)
  • Power point (ppam, ppd, ppm, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx)
  • RTF
  • PDF
  • TXT
  • TIFF
  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • MP3
  • MP4


Other documents must be saved in PDF. 

The following file types are not permitted:

  • Encrypted files
  • Password-protecred filed
  • Zipped filer
  • Database files e.g. Access or MCProject
  • .exe files

Protection of documents – access

Documents have by default the same access codes as the case in which they are included. If the document contains particularly sensitive or confidential information, it is possible to attach access (reading access) at document level.  

Classification of documents

Documents are automatically given the classification specified in the case metadata. If, due to its content, the document should be classified differently, the classification should be edited when filing the case. 

Read more about data classification.