Recommended hardware for virtual meetings

Virtual meetings and conversations via Teams or Zoom have become important to all AU employees. In order to get the best possible meeting experience, the right hardware is important. There are many different types of meetings – e.g. 1-1 meetings, several meeting rooms involved, or 2-3 people in one office and one person at another location.

Therefore, depending on the meeting, the participants and the purpose, different hardware is required. We provide hardware recommendations below depending on the meeting, the number of participants and the location of the participants.  

The recommended hardware can be used in Teams, Zoom and Skype for Business and can be purchased via your local IT support team

*Note: the prices are without VAT and will therefore be approx. 25% higher

The individual workstation

The meeting may be a 1-1 meeting or a meeting with several participants.

The point is that you join the meeting from your laptop/computer. In this case, the following headset is recommended:

And if a good camera is required, this webcam is recommended:

Meetings with 2-4 participants from an office or a smaller meeting room

If the meeting has 2-4 participants in an office or a small meeting room, the following Logitech Connect is recommended:

Or this product from Cisco:

These are USB based devices and must be connected to one of the participants’ laptops and the participants in the office/small meeting room can then use the equipment to participate in the meeting.

Meetings with 4-8 participants in a big office or meeting room

The following equipment is recommended: Logitech meetup

This is also USB based and must be connected to one of the participants’ laptops and the participants in the big office/meeting room can then use the equipment to participate in the meeting.

Meetings/workshops with 10-15 participants in a large meeting room

The following equipment is recommended: Logitech groups:

This is also USB based and must be connected to one of the participants’ laptops and the participants in the big office/meeting room can then use the equipment to participate in the meeting.