Files/upload and download via Web

There are several ways for you to manage your files on SIF.

From your SIF projects main page you can manage and open your project data, and you can upload and download files, but this is also where you can set up advanced access to SIF from the Setup page of your project. In other words, you can use an SFTP/WebDAVS client to upload/download files, or you can tie your SIF project folders as network drives on your machine.

In the Guide as well as here, we willl walk you through the SIF Files system, and og under Effective data access we've described the SIF SFTP/WebDAVS headers and how to use them.


Files in SIF

Right click on a folder or file in SIF to see a menu with the most common actions. Right click in the empty space at the bottom of the right panel to see the folder's menu.

Click Upload File in the right click menu or click the upload helper link at the bottom to open the upload window, where you can drag and drop files. You can also use Add files... to pick files for upload.

NB. Upload will not start automatically. When you've chosen your files, click Start upload. Wait for your files to finish upload, or click Cancel if you want to annul. Finally, click Close, and the files will appear in your SIF folder.

Double-click on files to download them to your computer. NB. any changes you make to a file you've downloaded from SIF will only be saved locally. In other words, you will have to upload the file back to SIF when you've finished working on it.


1. For at uploade en fil skal du først vælge hvilket projekt du vil arbejde i. Klik Choose project

Step 1 image

2. Vælg dit projekt. Her bruger vi Tester SMW

Step 2 image

3. Klik Open

Step 3 image

4. Du er nu inde på projektets side, og kan tilføje filer.

Step 4 image

5. Hvis du højreklikker på en mappe eller en fil kommer der en menu frem med de mest almindelige handlinger.

Step 5 image

6. For mapper kan du bl.a. vælge at uploade filer.

Step 6 image

7. Hvis du højreklikker på en fil kommer der også en menu.

Step 7 image

8. Her kan du f.eks. downloade og rename.

Step 8 image

9. Klik Click to open upload helper

Step 9 image

10. Klik på Add files... for at få vist stifinder og vælge de filer, du vil føje til projektet.

Step 10 image

11. Bemærk at upload ikke automatisk går i gang. Når du er færdig med at vælge filer, skal du klikke Start upload for sætte i gang. Vent at dine filer bliver færdige med at uploade, eller klik Cancel hvis du fortryder.

Step 11 image

12. Når upload er færdig, så klik på Close for at vende tilbage til projektets side.

Step 12 image

13. Dit dokument ligger nu i dit SIF projekt.

Step 13 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **


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